

Blog costs and party politics

Iain Dale has been complaining about how much government blogs cost to run – see his breakdown of the costs of David Miliband’s blog [link to the blog], and complaint about the DWP Welfare Reform and Child Poverty blog [link to the blog]. The costs of both blogs are in […]

Design Inspiration

Looking for design inspiration

I have been doing a lot of heavy programming work recently but stumbled across Agenturblog and suddenly started thinking a bit more creatively. My own blog is – after all – quite dour, and is far from being the most pleasant website I have ever created. I then let my […]


Freakybook – thanks, Jeremy

I’ve resisted a long time, but at Jeremy’s insistence I am now a member of Facebook, and what a strange kind of a system it is. I don’t think that even John Reid could have managed to muster up a better means of social surveillance than that system – quite […]

Radio and speakers

Top quality hi-fi for £72

OK, so you have a computer (well, you would not be reading this if you didn’t), and you want an excellent and cheap hi-fi setup. How do you do it? My answer was to purchase some JBL Creature speakers in the January sales for £35 at Comet, and add a […]

Phone and Laptop

Blogging: real citizen journalism

Part of my task as a blogger at the PES Congress is to demystify what is going on there for those that are unable to be present on the spot. Yet it’s also worth spending a moment to demystify the very process of writing the blog and keeping it up […]


Crashes, coffee, and a mind like a sieve

Hell, what a week. First of all, after the masses of work invested to get the Speak Up Europe website online by yesterday morning, the server it’s running on then was not accessible for the entire evening due to a technical fault / crash from the hosting firm – 1&1. […]

Speak Up Europe

So much work it’s mad

My sincere apologies for the long periods of silence on the blog. I have been working stupidly hard over the last couple of weeks, developing a number of different websites. The first of these – Speak Up Europe – is a Typo3 website on the EBD Euroserver for a Plan […]

Burning PC

Burning the midnight HTML

There is a bizarre late-night psychology to computer programming: you seem to be able to concentrate on it better the later it gets. Maybe because you slave away for hours and make no progress, promising yourself you might just go to bed after your next try at making some alteration. […]

Launch of

After many months of technical difficulties, today I finally managed to launch a new website for Peter Skinner MEP – Running using the Joomla content management system, the site is a big step forward, both in terms of design and technology. Peter’s staff will assume complete responsibility for keeping […]

Cameron Waving

BusinessWeek on political blogging

BusinessWeek has an interesting (although somewhat short) overview of the political impact of blogging in this week’s edition – read it online here. Starting with a critique of webcameron, David Cameron’s video podcast / blog site, it goes on to chart the importance of political blogging in a number of […]

Google Sign

Google is fab (or mad)

Thanks to a new plugin – Slimstat – I’ve installed for my blog, I now have a whole wealth of data on how visitors are managing to find my blog. Some of the findings are really bizarre, but quite cool in an odd way. If you search for ‘life jackets […]