

iBook in the fridge

How do you breathe new life into an old Apple iBook? Put it in the fridge! Seriously, I was about to remove the memory from a 3 year-old and bashed-to-death iBook that had packed up a few months ago and thought ‘Ah, well, let’s see if it turns on’ and […]


Two tests every blogger should take

You might have read some of the other entries here and thought "what is this guy on about". That’s for sure the way I feel when reading many blogs! So here’s an idea to do something about it. There are 2 tests that give a good idea of what a […]


We’re up and running! [UPDATED, 21.07.2005]

Am I too late jumping on the blogging band-waggon? Or have I been missing out? The software is installed (the blog even now has its second design revision – already!), the technology is all set up, and I have even tried a bit of blogging (of sorts) on the website […]