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UK Politics

At least 31% of the people on board this bus are fools

Atheist buses are one thing, stating there’s probably no god. But how about the christian counter adverts now on the streets of London? The christian party adverts that are even a rip-off of the design of the atheist ads are rather inoffensive as far as I am concerned; imitation is […]

EU Politics

The joy of languages

Today’s EUObserver has an article about how the European Commission is struggling to find enough English language mother tongue interpreters. As everyone in Brussels works in English, so the need for Brits and Irish to speak other European languages declines – or at least that’s the gist of the article. […]

EU Politics

My father and the European demos

I am completely and totally sick of politicians who whine that the reason the EU will not work is because there is no European demos. Vaclav Klaus was at it again today in the EP, and Bruno Waterfield is practically jumping up and down with glee about the speech. Well […]

EU Politics, Technology

Åsa Westlund’s social media campaign

European Elections are now very much on the horizon and I’m happy to have been able to work with one MEP to create a campaign page – Swedish Social Democrat Åsa Westlund’s site went online this week, of course powered by WordPress. The site brings together all of the different […]

EU Politics

Open Europe want to have their olive oil and drink it

6000 working groups during the Swedish Presidency!? What do all those meetings do? That’s the question posed by Open Europe. Undoubtedly there is a cost, and a financial burden, posed by this number of meetings but – frankly – what is the alternative? Let’s take the Working Party on Olive […]

EU Politics

Pompous passport patrollers

There’s nothing that manages to get my annoyed quite the way that border guards do. Especially when they are fat, pompous Austrians with a gun in a holster at their hip that greet you with ‘Grüß Gott’ and control your passport a few minutes after your train has left Brenner […]

EU Politics

Caserta and confusion

Oh, what a day. I’ve been teaching Italian civil servants about the principles of UK government written and oral briefing – the fourth day of five days of training that has taken me from Bologna to Roma and now to Caserta. The training venue is in the heart of the […]