

So long, EPSON

I’ve had some brand loyalty to EPSON printers over the years. The Stylus 740 did good service with my old 1998 iMac, and a Stylus 760 served my parents well for many years. But since then the picture has been far from sharp. A Stylus Photo R220 I bought for […]

EU Politics, Technology

The PdF Compass

Iā€™m on my way back to Brussels from Personal Democracy Forum Europe in Barcelona. I enjoyed participating in the conference, and was also very grateful to have been able to moderate one of the sessions there. Some of the everyday practical conclusions of PdF Europe will become clearer in due […]


How to make a conference presentation

I’ve been making presentations to all kinds of events over the last few months, and I’ve been reflecting on my performance and the performance of others. All of this was brought into especially sharp focus by the Quadriga Online Communications conference in Amsterdam on Friday where I gave a 30 […]