
EU Politics, Technology

The PdF Compass

I’m on my way back to Brussels from Personal Democracy Forum Europe in Barcelona. I enjoyed participating in the conference, and was also very grateful to have been able to moderate one of the sessions there. Some of the everyday practical conclusions of PdF Europe will become clearer in due […]


How to make a conference presentation

I’ve been making presentations to all kinds of events over the last few months, and I’ve been reflecting on my performance and the performance of others. All of this was brought into especially sharp focus by the Quadriga Online Communications conference in Amsterdam on Friday where I gave a 30 […]


BBC for Brits abroad

I vividly remember car journeys through France with my family in the 1990s. As we headed north from Languedoc, travelling home at the end of a holiday, the only solace for my mother was the return of BBC Radio 4, available in long wave anywhere northwards of Bourges or Orléans. […]


The Ultimate Home Network 2.0

18 months ago I wrote a post about how I reckoned I had the ultimate home Mac network. Of course times change and things move on… so now I have the ultimate home network version 2.0. Why the change? Essentially I’ve moved flat and wanted to put all the tech […]


So I am really mixed up online

Thanks to Brussels Blogger I’ve come across the excellent MIT website ‘Personas’ website that analyses the sorts of things that an individual discusses and writes about online. My line is above, click for a larger version. I’m not too sure what the ‘illegal’ bit refers to, and I think the […]