
EU Politics, Technology

Let’s get #EUCO trending

There are two live Twitter walls at today’s European Council in Brussels, as shown above in this Twitpic from @EUCouncilPress. All you have to do is put #EUCO in your tweets. A few of my contributions so far: All EU Countries: fair trial and follow the legal process for Assange. […]

Technology, UK Politics

Blogging: the new mainstream

There have been a couple of watershed moments in UK online politics in the last few weeks, notably the reaction to the Wikileaks cables and the decision of a number of well known British political bloggers to stop blogging, importantly Iain Dale and Tom Harris. These developments are related and show, […]


re:publica 11 – get your tickets quickly!

I’ve attended re:publica in Berlin for the last two years, presenting Atheist Buses there in 2009 and talking on a panel about the EU Citizens’ Initiative in 2010, and I’ll be there again in 2011. It’s a fantastic, creative, fun event, it’s in spring time in Berlin, it operates in […]


A couple of nordic governmental WP examples

Following on from Simon’s post about the Australian government using WordPress for a blogging platform, here are a couple more examples: @jonworth Also, have a look at our blog portal, built in WordPress 3.0: — Utrikesdepartementet (@Utrikesdep) November 9, 2010 @jonworth @Utrikesdep Here are the Norwegian Foreign Ministry blogs […]


What’s the point of a blogroll?

Now I’m back living in the UK there’s going to be more UK politics posts on this blog. Hell, it’s not as if I’ve ever really left, politically… But in terms of blogging it seems I’ve completely dropped off the radar, at least if blogrolls are anything to go by. […]

Technology, UK Politics

Connected Kingdom – internet firms in the UK

Some friends at Google have pointed me towards Connected Kingdom, a website about the state of the UK’s internet firms that showcases a report by BCG that highlights the importance of the UK’s internet economy. There are also some fledgling discussions about how things could improve in future, but it’s […]