München is in the middle of the election fever campaign for 7th June European elections and this has prompted a whole load of parties to come up with their election posters. Foremost among them is the CSU, in danger of not polling 5% of the votes nationally in Germany and hence in danger of getting no MEPs.
So what is the response of the CSU? To put up posters with the face of Bernd Posselt on them, one of their current sitting MEPs. They think that’s going to help? Posselt is one of the few MEPs ever to have a spoof fan site devoted to him and while this is sadly not available any longer the original images from it can be found here. I’ve helped the cause a bit by producing the mockup to the right, using one of the CSU’s posters on the streets of München as the basis. Click the image to see the full size mockup.
Here are a few other election posters to be seen in the city:

Agh, get real. You’re *far* too sensitive. I’ve stated it’s a mockup, and I’m not the first one to make Posselt mockups.
Congratulations, Jon, Joseph Goebbels would be proud on you.
NOTE the Posselt picture is a MOCKUP. I made it with Photoshop… not even the CSU wants a schlankes Europa.
I think in most countries every kind of election is a BIG farce!
Politics are funny and their behaviour is like the monkeys in zoo… sorry for this oppinion but i really think it’s true.
These posters just show that something is wrong in this system. A fat guy for schlankes Europa?!?! shall I laugh or cry?
Why they involve god in elections? And why the stars are fish?
… i lost my words
It is a mockup… 🙂
I love the one with the fat bavarian guy who wants a slim Europe! Marketing can sometimes be cruelly funny.