
Web Design Index page

Web Design Index 6 – a thoroughly pleasant book

While in Helsinki over the Easter weekend, I happened to be browsing in the shop of the Kiasma Modern Art museum (nice site actually – runs on Typo3, my favourite content management system) and came across an excellent book: the Web Design Index 6. The book contains 1002 small screenshots […]

eu domain flag

.eu frustrations

It’s always good to be a pioneer, especially if it’s something to do with both politics and technology. So on Friday 7th April I rushed to register the domain, and by Sunday 9th April everything was up and running – domain name directing to blog and website, POP3 mailboxes, […]

Margot Wallström campaigning

Blogging: will politics sit up and listen?

Today on BBC News Online there is this interesting piece about the relationship between blogging and business. The essential thrust of the article is that if businesses do not listen to the swell of opinion written on blogs their business will suffer. This inevitably leads me to wonder if and […]


7086 visitors to the old blog

All good things have to come to an end… 8th April 2006 marked the last day of Version 2 of the Jon Worth Euroblog. The design of the site has stayed the same as before, but the domain name has changed. The blog will from now on run from the […]

Patio Heater
Technology, UK Politics

Pledgebank and patio heaters

Tony Blair received some positive publicity this week by volunteering to be a patron of a sports club in London if 100 other public figures volunteered to do the same. He used a website called PledgeBank to set this thing up. I had never heard of the site before and […]


Anger and fury about incompetent people

I probably should not have another rant on this blog about incompetent computer users, but I’m afraid I cannot resist it. Simply put, I have been writing little here over the last few days because I have – as ever – been spending far too many waking hours fixing damned […]


We’re back a-bloggin’

Right then. The sits is still on the same server, but some of the problems I have been having with the blog now seem to have disappeared. Can’t last! Anyway, there will for sure be plenty of posts here in the next few days while I make up for lost […]


Vänster för Europa: my latest website

It’s taken a while for this site to see the light of day, but finally the new homepage for Swedish multi-party, left-of-centre, pro-European organisation Vänster för Europa is online. I did the organisation and implementation, and they will then keep it up to date. It’s a bit strange that I […]

Large Map

Blog geography

This map is the ClustrMap from today for this website – too see the latest one, click the small map at the bottom of any page. I have to say I am getting quite confused by the geographic balance of the visitors to this website… This blog is about EU […]


Websites are like buses

The old saying goes that you wait ages for a bus, and then 3 of them turn up at once. The same is true for my website work it seems – having not launched any sites for a while, I have managed to launch 3 in a week! A few […] and

Fruits of my Labour: 2 websites launched

This blog has been a bit quiet recently, thanks in large part due to a stupidly large amount of website work and server admin tasks I’ve been doing. I am hence very content to be able to announce the launch of 2 new websites, both Labour Party related. The first […]


RSS should now work from the blog

Thanks to a comment today by VXL, I was informed that RSS was not working on this blog for some reason. Seems there was some bug with the Atom feeds in particular. Anyway, for the moment RSS 0.92 and 2.0 seem to be working OK – hope that is sufficient […]