

1-year anniversary for the Euroblog

It has been a short 12 months blogging. Thinking back, I started all of this off on (as far as I can tell) 7th July 2005 with a casual shrug of the shoulders, with little keen-ness and determination. Helena had suggested I start the blog. I suppose I wanted to […]


The joys of Google

I was wondering why so many people were commenting on what I’ve wrote about the Commission concours. Surprise, surprise: it’s thanks to Google. Type ‘concours farce‘ and you get my blog as the number 1 entry. Typing ‘plan d campaign‘ gives my site in 5th place, and ‘Adieu EPP‘ gives […]

Cafe Babel
EU Politics, Technology

Café Babel on EU blogs

This week’s edition of Café Babel gives an overview of the impact of blogs on EU politics – read the edition here. Interesting for me to read this issue now – I’ve only just completed this article for The New Federalist about the same subject. However, like much of what […]

EU Politics, Technology

Do eu blog? TNF article

At last – some work for the Young European Federalists (JEF-Europe) that does not entail updating their website! I wrote an article entitled ‘Do EU blog?‘ for the latest edition of The New Federalist, the JEF magazine. The article is about whether EU politicians are serious about using the internet, […]

The Daily Telegraph

JEF features in a new Euroblog

The Daily Telegraph’s Brussels Correspondent David Rennie. One of his first postings was about the petition, and Rennie writes how JEF member Peter Strempel wrote to him about the petition – quite amusing. Read the post here. While I don’t like the Telegraph’s EU line very much, the blog […]


You wanna… blog DJ!

OK, I’ve done some damned cool things with technology in the past, but this evening must more or less beat it. I am currently sat at a table in a hall in Ocquier, a village in rural Wallonia, somewhere south of Namur. I’m here DJing for Kat and Charles’s wedding, […]

Responsibility anonymous

Reponsibility anonymous

It’s 2225 on Wednesday 17 May. I am sat, as I am so many evenings, at my computer in my room at 32A Aristotle Road. The blind is open, and the drops from the evening’s rain are still strewn across the window panes. In that pane I see my reflection. […]

Aftonbladet Europablogg

Blog makes the big time: Aftonbladet

Once in a while something super-positive happens with this blog, and today seems to be such a day. The journalist Mats Engström on the Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet has set up a Europablogg to discuss various issues of EU politics. He currently has 6 links there – to Margot Wallström, Carl […]

Dead Rose
Technology, UK Politics

Labour, the web, and an honest conversation?

The first parts of a sensible debate have just started in the Labour Party about the future of its website, and its presence on the web more generally. This stems from Labour’s relatively poor local election showing on 4th May, and subsequent comments made by Tony Blair in a letter […]

Internet Explorer & Firefox Logos

The joy of design, and browser evolution

I’ve spent a lazy weekend in London, mostly doing website work… Only this weekend has been website work with a difference! Instead of never-ending PHP and MySQL wrangles with Typo3, I have been working with WordPress to design a blog site. WordPress is so fast and so simple, and it […]


2 new websites launched: AMRIE & JEF-Malta

As ever I have been busy working on new website projects and have managed to launch two new sites in the last few days. The first is for AMRIE (The Alliance of Maritime Regional Interests in Europe). It’s a site using the Typo3 Content Management system and is notable for […]

Lingon Berry

Google and the blog

The version of this blog at the old address managed to attract quite some hits thanks to rankings in Google – try searching for Lingon Berry and you get this blog top of the list. But with the move to .eu all that was in jeopardy – links to the […]