

The Liège baggage truck incident

I was due to fly today from Liège to Pristina with BelleAir, and Italian cheap airline. Why is such a company flying from Liège to Pristina I asked myself? And will it work? Well the answer to that is that it doesn’t. I’m writing this from Brussels as the flight […]


2 interesting NGO web tasks – your ideas please!

In Brussels Bente Kalsnes ( and I have been brainstorming projects for a campaign for a nordic NGO. We have some fun ideas, we have some funding, we have very little time, and we need help! We have 2 specific programming tasks that need to be completed by 6th March […]


Mobile comms confusion (3G internet, calls, SMS)

I seem to be in a state of perpetual confusion when it comes to my telephone and mobile communications – something has to be changed. But I don’t know what… So if anyone can help me with this I would be very grateful! (1) Landline This is about the only […]

EU Politics, Technology

Åsa Westlund’s social media campaign

European Elections are now very much on the horizon and I’m happy to have been able to work with one MEP to create a campaign page – Swedish Social Democrat Åsa Westlund’s site went online this week, of course powered by WordPress. The site brings together all of the different […]


Hack a train

I travelled on a brand new ETR600 Pendolino between Roma and Caserta this evening. I ideally needed to get an internet connection and there was a WiFi signal in the train, called ‘Passengers’, but it was WPA Password protected. I guessed ‘trenitalia’ as the password and it proved to be […]

Technology, UK Politics

Labourlist must not blog in a void

As covered by Iain, Bob, Guido, ConHome and the Spectator the new Derek Draper blogging initiative Labour List has now seen the light of day with a soft launch. So what should be made of all of this? The list of people contributing to Labour List is impressive. There are […]