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Gordon Brown - CC / Flickr
UK Politics

We have been at our best when at our boldest – so AV?

Two striking phrases appear in Tony Blair’s 2002 Labour Conference speech – the famous “We have been at our best when at our boldest” and a lesser known line “Thanks to the brilliance and vision of Gordon Brown we have succeeded beyond any Labour government“. Fast forward a little over […]

EU Politics

Who are the main players in the EU-twittersphere?

Edelman have cooked up a little tool called TweetLevel that gives a number that judges an individual’s influence on Twitter. 0 is the minimum score and 100 the maximum. Left Foot Forward has had a go at working out which Labour people have most influence on Twitter in the UK, […]


So long, EPSON

I’ve had some brand loyalty to EPSON printers over the years. The Stylus 740 did good service with my old 1998 iMac, and a Stylus 760 served my parents well for many years. But since then the picture has been far from sharp. A Stylus Photo R220 I bought for […]

Opel Astra - CC / Flickr
EU Politics

Why Opel’s closure in Antwerp is good for Belgium

A friend from the Belgian SP.A said to me yesterday that she was going to a protest outside the Opel plant (that’s closing) in Antwerp this weekend, and did I want to join the protest in solidarity with the workers. No was my immediate answer – I’m glad it’s closing! […]