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EU Politics

Sights and smells of London

It is a bright, clear Autumn morning in London. A scattering of brown autumn leaves covered the pathway outside my flat and the air really felt cool when cycling for the first time since spring. Yet the sun over Walworth’s 1960s council estates made the place feel a bit less […]

EU Politics

Josep Borrell is a prat

President of the European Parliament Josep Borrell, when talking about the Strasbourg seat of the European Parliament, last week stated that the “historic dimension [of Strasbourg] cannot be perceived in the same way in ‘some Nordic country’ which did not participate in WWII” (news story from EUObserver here). What a […]

UK Politics

Mixed messages from the Tories

What is going on at Tory party conference? I can understand the electoral appeal of trying to move a party to the middle ground, but the Tories seem to be trying to be greener than Labour, all nice and cuddly, and tough and hard nosed too – see David Davis’s […]


Confused, and not very effective

I’m in a state of complete confusion at the moment. I seem to be spending far too many hours each day doing something but not with any plan or with any discernable results. I pottered off to an Italian lesson this morning and had a decent debate about EU enlargement […]

Confused map

Political views challenge

Via Claes and Helena, I’ve been asked to answer a bunch of questions about what my political views are and how I come to believe in what I believe in presently. So here goes… 1. Your political ideology? Socialism (or social democracy? – don’t necesarily believe in all the tenets […]

EU Politics

More on Sweden, and political trust

Mats Engström has written a good piece at Opendemocracy about the Swedish election result, and highlights some of the tensions that will appear for the Alliance when trying to manage to govern. In the meantime, European Commissioner Margot Wallström has emerged as a front runner to follow Goran Persson as […]

Westminster University
EU Politics

Jag heter Jon och jag talar lite svenska

OK, I’ve made a start – I’ve been to my first Swedish class. It was run by a very camp Croat – Casper – who learnt Swedish from peacekeeping troops in the Balkans before moving to Sweden to study… Oh, and the courses are at Westminster University – they seem […]

Snow in Bucharest
EU Politics

A very cold welcome to Romania and Bulgaria

As has been widely trailed [see EUObserver here], the European Commission is today due to give the go-ahead for the EU membership of Romania and Bulgaria. It’s not all good news though; for Bulgaria there are still areas of concern such as the justice system, the fight against corruption and […]

Gas Pipe
EU Politics

Hot air from De Villepin on energy policy

While Presidential hopeful Nicolas Sarkozy has been in the limelight all summer, French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin has resurfaced to give a speech about – among other things – EU energy policy [story from EUObserver here]. De Villepin is quoted as saying: The liberalisation of energy markets is not […]

Nikiforos Diamondouros
EU Politics

Commission Concours support forum

I must admit that I have been astounded by the amount of people that have found this blog thanks to searches for matters relating to the European Commission concours. My original post about the issue has – by 25th September – amassed no fewer than 47 comments! It seems that […]