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Server with a Euro sign

UK, the Euro, and web hosting price transparency

It’s a matter of two things I care about: web technology, and European Politics – particularly the Euro and what it means for price transparency. I was looking at the price of 1&1 Virtual Servers for a client I’m working for, and came across some startling data. 1&1 is Europe’s […]

European Movement header
UK Politics

European Movement re-launch today

Good news today regarding Britain’s relationship with the European Union (I don’t get to say that very often!) The European Movement is re-launching this afternoon in Westminster, with Charles Kennedy as its new Chair. Whatever Kennedy’s background, it cannot be denied he is a high profile and charismatic politician – […]

Andrew and Fergie cartoon
UK Politics

And what good work did the British royals do?

2 Spanish cartoonists have been fined for drawing a cartoon depicting the Crown Prince Felipe and his wife Letizia having sex – see the original cartoon here, and the BBC News article. Make of the cartoon what you want, but there are 2 important issues here: trying to break the […]

Brussels house

Brussels: isn’t it just grey?

I’ve moved from a global city, well renowned for its sights and economy (London), to a rather grey provincial capital where the EU institutions are based (Brussels). But I love it. Most people I speak to in London just cannot understand it. Why would I want to leave London behind? […]

Who’s Your Candidate?
EU Politics

Nyt Europa – Who’s Your Candidate?

Just a quick plug for the ‘Who’s Your Candidate?’ campaign 2009 being run by the Danish pro-EU / centre-left organisation Nyt Europa. While the changes to how the European Commission President is elected in the Reform Treaty are rather cosmetic, it’s nevertheless right to push MEPs and European Political Parties […]

CAP Reform Cow
EU Politics

The CAP Reform Treaty

I’ve been meaning to write a post about the Reform Treaty and the Common Agricultural Policy for a while, but Richard Corbett MEP has beaten me to it. Richard has also written more on the Compass website. However I think it is worth looking at the issue of the Common […]

Gordon Brown
UK Politics

Labour’s terrible month

Today would have been Election Day. As October is now behind us it would be pleasant to be able to draw a line under what has been an awful month for Labour. Yet try as I might, I find it hard to be upbeat looking forward. First we had all […]

Alisher, Craig, Boris, Tom, someone typing and Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium
EU Politics

Alisher, Craig, Boris, Tom, the bloggers and Arsenal

What do you do when an Uzbek businessman with a questionable background (Alisher Usmanov) wants to take over a UK football club (Arsenal)? Well, as a start you put together an opposition alliance comprising a dissident former British Ambassador to Tashkent, a few hundred bloggers, and a UKIP MEP in […]

Bakerloo Line Train

I’m a small city boy

I’ve come to the conclusion that life in the big city – London – is really not for me. I’m currently splitting my time between London and Brussels, doing my website work in Belgium yet coming to the UK to visit clients and run training courses. I’ve not felt so […]

Action against Exxon
EU Politics

Friends of the Earth, the Exxon Files, and Kallas

Friends of the Earth Europe have released a cartoon animation about how Exxon Mobil continues to fund climate change deniers, and how its advertising campaign is misleading regarding it’s environmental behaviour. As well as the concern about climate change there’s another issue below the surface that is alluded to in […]