NOTE: Speech has now been postponed. Will not be 18th January. New date tbc.
David Cameron’s long awaited speech will take place Friday 18th January at Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. Here are some ideas to allow you to follow the speech.
1) Watch it live
The speech starts at 1000 CET / 0900 GMT. As far as I know Euronews will be showing the speech live, and they also have a live web stream. BBC News Channel will be showing it in the UK (live web stream here – but you need a UK IP address). I am awaiting confirmation of other channels showing it.
2) Tweet about it
Use the hashtag #TheSpeech. A public archive of the tweets on the hashtag can be found at The Archivist here. This map on TrendsMap can help give an overview of where people are tweeting about it.
3) Help with the analysis of the buildup, and post-speech
I’ve been compiling a Storify with all the details of the speech build-up. This will be updated up until the start of the speech, and also afterwards. Notify me of additions either by e-mail, or on Twitter (I’m @jonworth)
4) Play Bullshit Bingo
List your top 10 words or phrases that you think Cameron will use, and put them in the comments of this post before Cameron steps up to the podium. There’s a prize to win too…
And while you’re waiting for the speech, have a listen to Coldplay’s Amsterdam. The lyrics are quite amusing in the context of the speech.