
Burning PC

Burning the midnight HTML

There is a bizarre late-night psychology to computer programming: you seem to be able to concentrate on it better the later it gets. Maybe because you slave away for hours and make no progress, promising yourself you might just go to bed after your next try at making some alteration. […]

Launch of

After many months of technical difficulties, today I finally managed to launch a new website for Peter Skinner MEP – Running using the Joomla content management system, the site is a big step forward, both in terms of design and technology. Peter’s staff will assume complete responsibility for keeping […]

Cameron Waving

BusinessWeek on political blogging

BusinessWeek has an interesting (although somewhat short) overview of the political impact of blogging in this week’s edition – read it online here. Starting with a critique of webcameron, David Cameron’s video podcast / blog site, it goes on to chart the importance of political blogging in a number of […]

Google Sign

Google is fab (or mad)

Thanks to a new plugin – Slimstat – I’ve installed for my blog, I now have a whole wealth of data on how visitors are managing to find my blog. Some of the findings are really bizarre, but quite cool in an odd way. If you search for ‘life jackets […]

Big Pit

Google tourism: visit South Wales

I’ve been browsing around a bit with Google Earth over the last couple of days, including looking at the mad and bizarre website Googlesightseeing – well worth a few minutes if you have never seen it. So what can I use this thing for? Well, if you click any of […]

Grey Sky

Blogging back in the real world

After a quick cup of coffee to warm myself up, I headed back out of the plush surroundings of Claridge’s hotel and cycled back across London under the heavy autumn skies. I’m back in reality now. I have a few very complex questions flying around in my head: why was […]

Iain Dale

I’m at Number 10

It has been somewhat surprising to discover this morning that my blog has been ranked number 10 in Iain Dale’s Top 100 Labour Blogs – see his blog here. His guide to political blogging will be distributed at this autumn’s party conferences – could be quite useful! But why me? […]


Fantastically lousy service from Orange

It’s part of France Telecom, one of Europe’s largest telecommunications groups, but Orange’s UK broadband service is really getting me down at the moment. The broadband connection where I live in Clapham keeps on breaking down at all the times I want to use it (weekday evenings and weekends), and […]

Server Rack

Servers, Flats, Rain and Trains

The fact that you are reading the blog entry is quite something; once more the website server that I administer for Europäische Bewegung and others has suffered some serious problems. I’ve hence been burning the midnight oil, or more like consuming the 2am cups of coffee, to try to solve […]


Heading north, blog will be quiet

I’m off for 4 days to Scandinavia so the blog will be quiet; it promises to be a fun journey. I fly to Oslo this evening, then spend Thursday and Friday in the Finnskogen, a wooded area to the north east of Oslo. I’m giving a speech on EU welfare […]

Orange France Telecom

The future’s bright, the future’s, erm, in India

My home ADSL line started to become unreliable a 6 weeks ago, just at the time when Wanadoo became Orange Broadband. I think this is just a co-incidence, but being constantly connected and disconnected yesterday prompted me to call the Orange callcentre to find out what’s going on. Instead of […]