

Hack a train

I travelled on a brand new ETR600 Pendolino between Roma and Caserta this evening. I ideally needed to get an internet connection and there was a WiFi signal in the train, called ‘Passengers’, but it was WPA Password protected. I guessed ‘trenitalia’ as the password and it proved to be […]

Technology, UK Politics

Labourlist must not blog in a void

As covered by Iain, Bob, Guido, ConHome and the Spectator the new Derek Draper blogging initiative Labour List has now seen the light of day with a soft launch. So what should be made of all of this? The list of people contributing to Labour List is impressive. There are […]

EU Politics, Technology

Let’s complain like it’s 1998

I don’t normally frequent the websites of the European Court of Justice and the European Ombudsman. Yes, I am an EU geek, but not that much of an EU geek. But a friend asked me some questions today and hence I visited both sites. You could argue that the ECJ’s […]


Upgrade work complete

The upgrade work for the new blog is complete. Here is a quick summary of the changes… Running on WordPress 2.7, with a new theme based on Hybrid / Leviathan New Sportblog added, with excellent mapping like this thanks to the excellent XML Google Maps plugin for WordPress Twitter updates […]


The Generation Y Service Effect

I’ve not been having the best of times with technology recently: My internet connection at home keeps failing, and the service centre cannot help me out The modem router I’m obliged to use for my internet connection is supposed to give excellent costs at a rock bottom price, but as […]


Facebook strategy for organisations

I’m a human, so I want to be friends with humans on Facebook. I think I’m probably not alone on this. Yet what should an organisation do if it wants to establish a Facebook presence? Increasingly organisations of which I am a member are creating Facebook profiles, as if the […]


3G – surf anywhere, or not?

I’m sat in a café on Upper Street in Islington trying to blog. I’m ‘connected’ to the internet with a newly purchased Option Icon 225 USB dongle, connecting with Orange 3G. Only the pace here is slooooow, despite a signal strength of 3 out of 6 bars. I can just […]


The T Harris blogger in the other place

I would like to welcome another T Harris to the British political blogosphere. Yes, everyone knows about Tom Harris MP, but from today Lord Toby Harris’s blog is live. Toby was Labour leader on Haringey Borough Council for more than 20 years, a member of the London Assembly for one […]


New EU (institutional) blog: Martin Westlake

It’s a great pleasure to announce the launch today of a new blog about EU matters – Martin Westlake. Martin took over today as Secretary General of the European Economic and Social Committee will be blogging about his experiences in the post and, no doubt, about other things too. From […]