Recent Posts

Dog - CC / Flickr

Dog owners are a social menace

Right, this is a blog entry that’s going to annoy a lot of people. But I’m very annoyed. So here goes. I’m totally, utterly and completely sick of dog owners. Note I am not completely and utterly sick of dogs. I’m not unfriendly towards animals. A dog is a dog. […]

Camels - CC / Flickr

Financial weight

It’s one of the problems I have as a freelancer, and I’m not alone in this – how much am I supposed to charge for the web design services I provide? An invoice running to hundreds or even thousands of pounds or Euros sounds scary for most of the people […]

UK Politics

Gender images on the Tube

Ever seen this notice on the London Underground? Bet you have. You’re sure? Perhaps it’s time for a bit of a guerrilla feminist campaign in the public space in the UK. All we would need would be 2 triangles of blue sticky back plastic, and 2 white triangles. (Inspired by […]

5 Years Birthday Cake - CC / Flickr

A small milestone – 5 years of the Euroblog

On 19th July 2005 I wrote a small blog entry about my frustrations with Ryanair, and also explained my blogging debut. “Am I too late jumping on the blogging bandwaggon?” I mused at the time. Looking back it for sure was not too late, and indeed many of the top […]


An odd selection of classic Youtube

A few things I’ve come across recently and thought I should share… A couple of these are thanks to Bente Kalsnes who always has a knack to find excellent things! 1. Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us RSA animation about personal motivations. This is brilliant, and well worth […]

Bow Road Underground Station Sign - CC / Flickr
UK Politics

The London plan

I loose track who I’ve told and who has just heard earlier stages of the plan… so here’s an explanation about my imminent move to London. Essentially for the last 6 months I have been wondering whether to move. After 3 years based predominantly in Brussels I felt it was […]

SIM Cards - CC / Flickr
EU Politics

The EU and mobile phone / 3G data roaming

I have respect for the UK blog Political Betting – I never bet on anything, but I like Mike Smithson’s rigourous analysis of odds. However when it comes to anything to do with the European Union reason and rigour seem to go out of the window. Take his recent rant […]

EU Politics

Hopeless new web comms plan from Reding

Via Twitter I came across this post in French by Michael Malherbe about a letter sent from Commissioner responsible for Communications, Viviane Reding, to Commission President Barroso. Euractiv managed to get hold of a copy of the letter that contains 14 points about how communications are to be improved. The […]