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Cameron Waving

BusinessWeek on political blogging

BusinessWeek has an interesting (although somewhat short) overview of the political impact of blogging in this week’s edition – read it online here. Starting with a critique of webcameron, David Cameron’s video podcast / blog site, it goes on to chart the importance of political blogging in a number of […]

CCTV Plants
UK Politics

So it’s OK to steal Council plants?

Sometimes you come across things in London that are utterly ludicrous. Today I noticed the sign pictured – that some person Walworth has installed a CCTV system to protect their plants on the street from theft. Now, either the plants have all already been stolen, or else the person is […]

Brighton Beach

Joys of Brighton

I’m spending 36 hours in Brighton at a conference, hence why no profound analysis of EU politics has been posted here today! 🙂 In short, it’s annoying to be away from home, from Helena, and staying in a grim hotel that smells of cigarettes and cooked breakfasts. But on the […]

Google Sign

Google is fab (or mad)

Thanks to a new plugin – Slimstat – I’ve installed for my blog, I now have a whole wealth of data on how visitors are managing to find my blog. Some of the findings are really bizarre, but quite cool in an odd way. If you search for ‘life jackets […]

EU Politics

BeMEP, or maybe not

I’ve been sent the link to, and online game where you can play at being a Member of the European Parliament. It’s backed by – among others – the Konrad Adenauer foundation. But the problem is this: how does it work? The initial FAQ section was just too long […]

Big Pit

Google tourism: visit South Wales

I’ve been browsing around a bit with Google Earth over the last couple of days, including looking at the mad and bizarre website Googlesightseeing – well worth a few minutes if you have never seen it. So what can I use this thing for? Well, if you click any of […]

PES Activists
EU Politics

PES – showing signs of European party cohesion

The Party of European Socialists voted yesterday to suspend its Slovak member party SMER due to their decision to enter a coalition with right wing and populist parties, a matter that I have previously written about here. News on the story from EUObserver and the PES Press Release give more […]

Greenpeace Campaign
EU Politics

Fab Greenpeace campaign for a Greener Apple

Greenpeace have launched a fab campaign to make Apple Computer go green – have a look at the brilliant campaign website. You can send Steve Jobs an e-mail, and they want people to make their own T-Shirts for the campaign and all kinds of cool stuff. So they will get […]