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Daily European
EU Politics

Europe 2057 – the good and the bad

JEF-Europe yesterday published a spoof newspaper – The Daily European – that speculated about future scenarios for the European Union and how it will be in 2057, 100 years after the Treaty of Rome. I’m quite happy that JEF has done this newspaper once more – when I was in […]

EU Politics

UN Parliamentary Assembly Appeal

Jeremy has pointed me towards an appeal that has just been launched, calling for a UN Parliamentary Assembly. The campaign has plenty of high-level backers but any individual is also welcome to sign. If you care about reform of the UN and global governance it’s well worth having a look. […]

Huts 2
UK Politics

Beach huts

A great British institution – the beach hut. At Southwold in Suffolk there are plenty of them, in many bright colours. It was a pleasure to spend a weekend pottering around the Suffolk countryside, a welcome break from London.

EU Turkey
EU Politics

Secularism, the military, the EU and Abdullah Gul

As has been widely reported, Turkey has a bit of a problem on its hands with the selection of its new President. Opposition CHP members of Parliament boycotted the vote, so the election of the ruling AK Party’s candidate – Abdullah Gul – has been called into question. Gul was […]

Bulb and WEEE Logo
EU Politics

WEEE bulbs, big problem

I thought it was about time to do something about the energy consumption from lighting in the flat I live in with Helena, so hence I have invested in 20 7W compact energy-efficient bulbs, bought online from LightingWorld. These are really wee bulbs – they are small enough to fit […]

EP Strasbourg Plenary
EU Politics

EP in Strasbourg – well, it pumps out C02 too

The UK Green MEPs in the European Parliament have commissioned a report showing how much CO2 the monthly travelling circus to Strasbourg produces – 20000 tonnes to be precise, as much as flying 13000 people across the Atlantic and back. See The Independent, and Jonathan Newton’s blog. I’m actually quite […]

Social Europe Blog

New Social Europe blog

First there was the Social Europe journal, and now there’s the Social Europe blog to go with it. The idea is to be able to publish articles about centre left EU politics that are intellectual but not as long or developed as those that go into the journal. I’ve been […]

Richard Corbett
EU Politics

If you tell yourself often enough Richard

Just a short note to highlight this post made a couple of days ago by Labour MEP Richard Corbett. Richard is the best of the UK Labour MEPs in my opinion, he was once President of JEF, is also giving LME a kick-start, and is a very pleasant chap. But […]

Please help
UK Politics

Britain’s homeless (and lack of housing) shame

I must look like just the sort of person who would give money to charity – people accost me in the street all the time. I do give a lot of money to charitable causes, but, so the argument goes, giving to a half-dozen organisations already does not preclude giving […]

Louis Michel
EU Politics

Louis Michel, bringing the European Commission into disrepute

I’ve always had a degree of respect for Louis Michel, sometime foreign minister during Belgium’s 2001 EU Presidency. He seems a jovial and reasonably intelligent chap and, since 2004 as European Commissioner responsible for the development portfolio, has done a decent job – better than his predecessor Poul Nielson at […]