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EU Politics

Eurosceptic blog has no clue about Britain in Brussels

The rather gruesome eurosceptic blog EU Referendum likes to think they have information to back up their conspiracy theories about the EU. Yet a post today about FCO diplomatic cuts shows how little they actually know: Interestingly, no mention is made of the embassy in Brussels (pictured) – which deals […]

Gas flame
UK Politics

Two better ideas for Darling than questioning Ofgem

Alistair Darling is concerned about an energy price hike in the UK – npower is hiking its domestic gas prices by 17% and electricity prices by 12%, and other firms are set to follow npower’s lead. His solution? He has publicly stated how he is approaching Ofgem about the matter. […]

Boris Johnson men
UK Politics

Boris vs. Ken – round 1 (online)

London elects its Mayor in 2008, and the campaigns of the respective candidates are going to be warming up in the coming few months. Yet in one core respect Tory candidate Boris Johnson is already ahead – he has a decent website (Back Boris) which comes up as the 3rd […]

Bulb and WEEE Logo
EU Politics

Joined up government lightbulb thinking

Today on BBC News there’s an article about how the Environment Agency has issued new guidance about how low-energy lightbulbs should be disposed of. OK, fair enough, these bulbs need some care. But how the hell do you actually get rid of them in the UK? I posted about this […]

EU Politics

2007: record year for the EU’s anti-cartel work

Good news as 2007 draws to a close – the year was the most successful on record for the European Commission’s work fining companies for behaving anti-competitively – 3.3 billion Euro in total, so more than 2% of the EU’s annual income. Handelsblatt has a good article about it (in […]

Question Mark

For whom am I writing?

So 2007 draws to a close, my second full year of blogging (Euroblog launched in July 2005 – this is the 666th post since then), and it’s time to reflect a little about where this blog is going and what I might manage to make of it in 2008. But […]