
White House

My known unknowns, so no US politics on this blog

Without wanting to sound too much like Donald Rumsfeld, there are some things I know that I know nothing about, and I put US politics in that bracket. This blog has categories for European and UK politics for a reason. I don’t know the relative importance of New Hampshire or […]

Server with a Euro sign

UK, the Euro, and web hosting price transparency

It’s a matter of two things I care about: web technology, and European Politics – particularly the Euro and what it means for price transparency. I was looking at the price of 1&1 Virtual Servers for a client I’m working for, and came across some startling data. 1&1 is Europe’s […]

FCO Banner

Miliblog is back, but we need more than this

I’m glad to see that the Miliblog is now back online, only this time as a group blog together with Minister for Europe Jim Murphy, and 4 FCO civil servants too. I hope he manages to surpass his posts about burping cows on the old Defra blog… More generally it’s […]

Small map segment © Google

Adding Google Maps to my repertoire

Politicians go out visiting people and opening things, so why not illustrate that on a map? Harriet Harman had a visits map on her site that I made using the excellent LumoNet Google Maps plugin for Typo3, but what about if someone is not using Typo3 and wants map integration […]

Geni Tree
Technology – cool technology

It was suggested to me by a friend in Berlin that I should join a site called to put together an online family tree. Not much good as that’s all for people in Germany. But the English language equivalent – – is now just taking off. The technology […]

Big Brother Phone

Vodafone Big Brother is tracking me

I’ve been receiving sinister automated messages on my voicemail for the last few days requesting that I call Westcot Credit Services. I first checked with Vodafone, my network provider, to find out what’s up. I was assured I had no outstanding bills, a fact confirmed by the direct debit payments […]

Road Arrows

Server works – complete for now

The work to change this blog and website has now been completed. The changes are as follows: The main address is now and the homepage contains information rather than blog entries remains the domain name for the blog, and all old links to that address still work A […]

Facebook logos

Deputy Leader technology

The Labour Deputy Leadership race is all there really is in UK politics at the moment when it comes to using the internet for political campaigning. But there are a couple of developments that I really wonder about. Firstly is how the candidates are using Facebook, or more precisely, their […]

Map of Online Communities

Navigating online communities

How do you navigate around the wide variety of online communities in existence? Well, you need a map. Click the image above to see the full size version. It’s an excellent graphical representation (initially from here) of how different online networks relate to each other, and which have the greatest […]