
iMac old and new

3543 days since my first iMac

5th September 1998 – the first day the very first iMac was available in the UK. I’m not sure anyone then would have imagined iMac would be a machine that would help save Apple’s fortunes (more on recent Mac successes, the original iMac launch keynote), but the £999 machine with […]

Bebo fish, Second Life fish, Facebook fish

The Social Networks food chain

There’s that old illustration that school kids used to be shown where a small fish was eaten by a larger one that was in turn consumed by a larger one still – carnivores and the food chain. It feels a bit the same at the moment for Web 2.0 technologies, […]

4 sites screenshots

Four new websites in a week

Website launches are like buses: you wait ages for one and then four come along at once. Over the last 7 days I have launched 2 major websites that have been in the pipeline for some time, and 2 smaller sites. I have been working with the Young Foundation to […]

Diffusion PR Slogan
Technology, UK Politics

Political PR and the age of the web

How should PR professionals use the web? That’s one of the issues I read up on in order to better advise political clients with regard to the websites I produce as a freelancer. My main starting point in the UK has been Daljit Bhurji’s blog (many moons ago Daljit and […]

Home network

The Ultimate Home Network

The requirements: music in the living room, printer and internet connection in the office, laptops to connect from anywhere in the flat, and the need for hard disk backups of both laptops. Today I reckon I’ve finally managed the whole thing: the Ultimate Home Network. My internet connection is with […]

IE logo

Mac, IE6 and Parallels

I’m quite proud of never having owned a PC. Since a BBC B micro, I moved to a Mac Performa 400 in 1994, then on to an original iMac in 1998, a slot loading iMac, an iBook and now a PowerBook G4. Yet for the last 5 months I’ve faced […]

STIB bus

Rook a tourist: airport transport

Every country has its scheme to get more money out of travellers going to and from the airport than would otherwise be the fare for a journey of the same distance. STIB, the Brussels public transport, has a new one for the Airport Express buses 11 and 12 from Zaventem […]


Deeper underground: Copenhagen Metro

Copenhagen Metro is one of the most modern underground systems in the world, and has been designed with security in mind – lights are on along all the tunnels, and there are escape routes too. Sit at the back of the train, turn off the flash on your camera, and […]

Social Network logos

Social networks profilerate – where do I start?

Facebook, Linked In, Xing, Ecademy… I’m starting to get swamped by different social networking systems. What, if any, is the point of adding people as friends / contacts in more than one of these systems? Plus for Linked In, Xing and Ecademy you have to even pay cash to get […]

David Hanson MP screenshot

MPs, MEPs, candidates… A quick plug

Another day, another political website – today the website for David Hanson MP went live. Of particular note is the fact that this site is the first I’ve launched on a Green Web Host server powered by green electricity – although I must say I’m not entirely convinced by their […]