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UK Politics

A very British sporting success

Britain tends to be even worse at the Winter Olympics than in most other major sports championships. We don’t have much snow, we don’t have many ice rinks, and hence we don’t get many medals. Women’s curling is normally about as fun as it is supposed to get. But today […]

EU Politics

Shooting birds, logos and chickens

There has been a lot in the news this week about birds, especially bird flu. Maybe it’s a bit bad taste, but I have been meaning to upload this alternative, animated version of the UK’s EU Presidency logo for a while. The UK Presidency logo had also run into problems […]


RSS should now work from the blog

Thanks to a comment today by VXL, I was informed that RSS was not working on this blog for some reason. Seems there was some bug with the Atom feeds in particular. Anyway, for the moment RSS 0.92 and 2.0 seem to be working OK – hope that is sufficient […]

UK Politics

Brilliant! UK will get a smoking ban

Having spent time in Sweden that has such a ban already, and having recently been repulsed by too much smoking in public in Austria, it’s with great joy that I heard the news this evening that the UK will get a full smoking ban in pubs and restaurants. Further, MPs […]

Schuman Plan Logo
EU Politics

So it’s all a Christian conspiracy?

Shows how much of an EU-geek I am that the only time I have been to the theatre recently was this weekend to watch The Schuman Plan at Hampstead Theatre. Details of the show from the theatre’s website here. Yet while the idea of putting the history of the European […]

EU Politics

Vaxholm case: why it’s important

Anyone who vaguely follows EU politics may have heard of the so-called Vaxholm case, a dispute between 2 Swedish trade unions and a Latvian firm that was carrying out work in Sweden and not respecting collective wage bargaining agreements there. The issue cuts at the heart of the Nordic labour […]

EU Politics

Just mad: Khamenei on the cartoons

From The Guardian today: The furious international row over the publication of cartoons satirising the prophet Muhammad intensified today when Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, claimed it was an Israeli conspiracy motivated by anger over Hamas’ win in the Palestinian elections. Sorry, but this is just ludicrous. The cartoons […]

Gunman at EU office in Gaza
EU Politics

Denmark calls for help from the EU: quite right

The Jyllands-Posten row goes on and on, and the trade and security implications for the EU in general, and Denmark in particular, are getting more and more severe. Newspapers in most European countries – with the notable exception of Britain – have now published the cartoons in some kind of […]


Eurotopics – an excellent overview of Europe’s media

I have recently come across Eurotopics, a daily news bulletin put together in English, French and German by the Bundeszentrale f√?r politische Bildung. You can subscribe to the newsletter here. It’s a free, simple daily e-mail bulletin that scours Europe’s newspapers each morning, and e-mails concise summaries and links to […]

Danish Flag Burning
EU Politics

Muhammad cartoons situation getting really out of hand

Things have gone from bad to worse with this row over the cartoons of Muhammad that first appeared in Jyllands-Posten last year. For an excellent and concise overview of what has been happening, see this blog entry from Robert Lindsay. Right, so let’s put a few things straight. The cartoons […]