Recent Posts

David Cameron
UK Politics

Cameron lays into UKIP

The initial wave of sickening ‘we love David’ euphoria from the Tories has now died down a bit, and even the main, so far unresolved European issue of his short leadership – whether the Tory MEPs should leave the EPP in the European Parliament – is quiet at the moment. […]

Wembley Conference Centre
EU Politics

The concours farce

Wednesday last week I headed off to Wembley Conference Centre to sit the ‘pre-selection’ tests to become an EU civil servant – the dreaded concours. I’ve written a bit about it on the blog before. True to form, the tests contained some downright ludicrous questions. This was the best among […]


Anger and fury about incompetent people

I probably should not have another rant on this blog about incompetent computer users, but I’m afraid I cannot resist it. Simply put, I have been writing little here over the last few days because I have – as ever – been spending far too many waking hours fixing damned […]

David Miliband
UK Politics

The Mili-bland Blog

David Miliband MP, Minister of Communities and Local Government, has recently launched this blog on the website of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. The first impression is a bit off-putting: the colour scheme is a very pastel shade of purple. The second impression – when you start to […]


We’re back a-bloggin’

Right then. The sits is still on the same server, but some of the problems I have been having with the blog now seem to have disappeared. Can’t last! Anyway, there will for sure be plenty of posts here in the next few days while I make up for lost […]

EU Politics

So who is against monopolies now?

The only thing about the French attitude to competition to appear in this blog in recent times has been the discussion of the GDF/Suez merger in the energy sector, a merger that has largely been seen as a case of economic patriotism. So it was with some scepticism that I […]

EU Politics

The sad life of a computer geek

The blog has been quiet over the last few days as – once more – I have been trying to nurture a webserver back to life. I don’t know where the thing even is exactly – it’s somewhere in Germany in a 1&1 service centre, and I don’t know if […]

EU Politics, UK Politics

Polly Toynbee on Sweden again

Polly Toynbee is on about Sweden again in her column in The Guardian today – read it here. The column is not her best argued effort, but this did make me smile: No, Brown will not turn Swedish in one spasm. It took the Social Democrats nearly 70 unbroken years […]

EU Politics

Walking on the EU

No, despite the title I have not suddenly become a eurosceptic wanting to walk over the EU. This is far more literal. On the way to Stockwell underground station today – the first time I have walked that way for more than a week – I came across the most […]