Recent Posts

Bins, no fat people

Fat people in bins

I could not help laughing out loud when I discovered that today someone typed ‘fat people in bins‘ into Google and found my blog as the 5th ranked result! It’s actually a link to this post that I wrote when angry about being sat next to fat people in aircraft, […]

Spidla laughing
EU Politics

An ageing population is good, according to the Commission

Euractiv reports on speeches made at a forum on demography, including one from Social Affairs Commissioner Vladimír Å pidla, who claimed that demographic change was an opportunity just as much as it was a challenge. It would strike me that demographic change is a sign of success in a certain way […]

Coal Power Station
UK Politics

The Stern report – the return of politics?

There have been plenty of reports about the damage that Climate Change will cause, but few have put a price on the damage in the way yesterday’s Stern Report did (article from The Guardian here). The Government’s response has been to propose to legislate for a 60% reduction in greenhouse […]

Launch of

After many months of technical difficulties, today I finally managed to launch a new website for Peter Skinner MEP – Running using the Joomla content management system, the site is a big step forward, both in terms of design and technology. Peter’s staff will assume complete responsibility for keeping […]

Goffee and Jones
EU Politics

What it takes to be a leader

It’s damned hard to describe what qualities you need to be a leader – it depends on the person, it depends on the circumstances. Yet you always tend to know very well when people in an organisation you work in or with are not displaying the necessary leadership traits; I’ve […]

Euro Paving
EU Politics

Off to the city of European Union

I’m leaving London for a few days and am off to Maastricht, the city most famous for the Treaty on European Union signed there in 1992. It started off what might be argued was the heyday-period of European integration – in the Post Cold War era anything seemed possible. The […]

Welcome Letter Corner
UK Politics

Why I joined the Labour Party

An interesting debate has started at Bloggers4Labour about why individuals have chosen to join political parties, and the Labour Party in particular. The debate has kicked off in part as a result of some Rowntree Foundation / New Politics work on the issue – more here. So here’s my story […]

Piccadilly Circus
UK Politics

ASBO the preacher

Every Tuesday evening I get 2 hours of Swedish at Westminster University, and then a horrid blast of evangelical megaphone preaching while waiting on my bike at the traffic lights at Piccadilly Circus. Each and every Tuesday evening there is someone preaching there. This evening I was told that all […]

Charlie McCreevy (copyright European Commission Audiovisual Library)
EU Politics

McCreevy the lad

I’ve not been especially kind to some of the EU’s ‘leaders‘ in this blog in recent times, and here’s another one for the series – European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services, Charlie McCreevy. This is a quote from McCreevy, dated Sunday 5th June 2005 from the Irish newspaper […]