Recent Posts


Crashes, coffee, and a mind like a sieve

Hell, what a week. First of all, after the masses of work invested to get the Speak Up Europe website online by yesterday morning, the server it’s running on then was not accessible for the entire evening due to a technical fault / crash from the hosting firm – 1&1. […]

Speak Up Europe

So much work it’s mad

My sincere apologies for the long periods of silence on the blog. I have been working stupidly hard over the last couple of weeks, developing a number of different websites. The first of these – Speak Up Europe – is a Typo3 website on the EBD Euroserver for a Plan […]

EU Politics

Get ready for a Royal good fight

Excellent news – Segolene Royal has won the vote in the French Socialist Party to become their candidate for the Presidential elections in the spring of 2007. Stories from EUObserver and BBC. She won a resounding 60.62% of the vote with Dominique Strauss-Kahn on 20.83% and former prime minister Laurent […]

Gun Crime Poster
UK Politics

Tough on the causes of, erm, well… just tough

It was that great event in British political tradition today – the opening of Parliament and the Queen’s Speech. Surprise, surprise, the main focus was on law and order issues – full list of bills here. Clampdowns on this and that, and promises of more anti-terror legislation too. David Cameron […]

Burning PC

Burning the midnight HTML

There is a bizarre late-night psychology to computer programming: you seem to be able to concentrate on it better the later it gets. Maybe because you slave away for hours and make no progress, promising yourself you might just go to bed after your next try at making some alteration. […]

Oxford Street
UK Politics

Pedestrianise Oxford Street

By chance I had half an hour to spare when returning to London from Oxford on Thursday. I left the coach at Marble Arch and wandered along Oxford Street. Much to my surprise, I found that there was no traffic along a whole section. This was actually because the Christmas […]

Miracles on streets
UK Politics

Miracles on the streets of Walworth

While walking along the streets of Walworth in South London you see plenty of interesting things. Yesterday some bizarre street signs caught my attention while walking with Helena to a friend’s party at Oval. First we came across a religious institution in a considerable state of disrepair, but with the […]

UK Politics

PR in The Lords – a novel approach

It’s quite rare, but from time to time you are thrown a somewhat bizarre idea that makes you think. This evening was one of those occasions. I was discussing politics with a university friend, Sarah Mulley, and discussion strayed onto the issue of reform of the House of Lords. I […]


Tired, but breathing dry air

Just a short post – I’ve been working from early until very late for the last couple of days, so the blog has suffered a bit, and I’m feeling quite shattered. Things should return more or less to normal over the coming few days. The good news is that I […]

High Voltage Cable
EU Politics

E.On messes up – good!

It’s never pleasant to be without electricity, and especially not if it is as a result of systemic failings or incompetence. This is what seems to have been the cause of yesterday’s blackout in parts of Germany and France – see EUObserver and the BBC for the details. While not […]

EU Politics

The Polish Voter – the UK’s hidden electorate

More than 400,000 people from the new member states have moved to live and work in the UK since 2004. As EU citizens they are eligible to vote in the local, regional and European elections. Yet with the London Mayor elections on the horizon, what efforts can be made to […]