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EU Politics

UK and the Reform Treaty – starting to crack

Ever since the negotiations started before the summer I’ve been no fan of the UK’s position regarding the EU Reform Treaty, with the government trying to argue that the Treaty is different from the European Constitution hence meaning no referendum is needed on the text. I’ve posted about the argument […]

Spaghetti junction

London, Brussels, old job, new job, election!?

The last few weeks have not really been a high point for the blog – basically silence! It’s not that I’ve stopped thinking or reflecting. It’s more that I have not found enough time to sit down and put a few thoughts together. I’m still in London for the moment, […]

EU Politics

openDemocracy | Reforming the European Parliament

“The European Parliament is trying to decide how numbers of MEPs will be allocated between different Member States in the future. The Severin-Lamassoure idea is there should be 750 MEPs, with 6 per Member State, and a maximum of 96 for the largest country. Seats for the countries in between […]

FCO Banner

Miliblog is back, but we need more than this

I’m glad to see that the Miliblog is now back online, only this time as a group blog together with Minister for Europe Jim Murphy, and 4 FCO civil servants too. I hope he manages to surpass his posts about burping cows on the old Defra blog… More generally it’s […]

JEF Finland site
EU Politics

The EU’s tar police is coming to get you

The Finns are not always known for their humour, but JEF-Finland has managed to make a funny set of movies busting the myths about the EU. They are posted on the Kurkkudirektiivi (trans: Cucumber Directives) website. Apparently the Finns put some sort of tar(?) in their food, and the EU […]

EU navel gazing
EU Politics

No institutional navel gazing here?

It sounds like a nice line to take – the EU should stop its institutional navel gazing and get on with delivering results, looking outwards to deal with the threats in the world. Those were the words of David Miliband in his speech to the Labour Party Conference this week, […]

UK Politics

A short note on Miranda’s case

I’ve been a bit slow on the uptake writing this as I’ve been away in Belgium for the last 5 days. Contrary to what I had so much hoped Miranda Grell was found guilty of 2 charges of claiming a Lib Dem opponent was a paedophile in a court ruling […]

EU Integration Facebook game
EU Politics

Know the EU, the Facebook way

So you think you know about the EU? Well, test it out thanks to Facebook. I’ve created a test in the Facebook application ‘Traveller IQ’ that tests if you know where cities that have been important in the history of the EU are actually located. Schengen anyone? Some of the […]