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EU Politics

EU – any hope for positive surprises in 2009?

Every fifth year is decisively different for the EU: election years. And this year is one of those years. For the 40% of the population that will go to vote it’s a relatively minor event, but in Brussels itself election years are very different. MEPs try to cram a few […]


Upgrade work complete

The upgrade work for the new blog is complete. Here is a quick summary of the changes… Running on WordPress 2.7, with a new theme based on Hybrid / Leviathan New Sportblog added, with excellent mapping like this thanks to the excellent XML Google Maps plugin for WordPress Twitter updates […]


New focus for 2009

There are going to be a few changes here at this blog over the coming few weeks as, from a professional point of view, 2009 promises to be a year of major changes. I’ll be starting a Limited Company in the web design business together with a number of others […]

EU Politics

Boris bus bollocks

Woo hoo. London is going to get a new Routemaster bus, for Mayor Boris has declared it will happen. He’s announced 2 winners in his design competition. The winners are shown above. The buses are to be on the streets by 2011. Not. A. Hope. Here’s why. Firstly, how long […]

EU Politics

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, war dead, the EU and election dynamics

UPDATE 10.4.10: This is not a blog entry about the death of the Polish President Lech Kaczynski (Yahoo erroneously ranks this entry in searches for ‘Kaczynski dead’) – for news about that tragic accident please see this story from BBC News. Former Polish PM Jaroslaw Kaczynski drew widespread scorn in […]

EU Politics

Dale on blogging and political parties

Iain Dale has today written a long post about how some Labour people think he’s in some way the mouthpiece of the Tory Party. I don’t agree with parts of the way his article is put together (for example: Sunny Hundal is one of the most straightforward and interesting people […]

EU Politics

Libertas: cuckoo in the EU nest

Declan Ganley, instrumental in the campaign that resulted in Ireland voting No to the Treaty of Lisbon, has set up his Libertas Party that will field candidates in the EP elections in June 2009. I’ve been trying to work out what I make of this, hence why it has taken […]

EU Politics

Ireland, here we go again (I’m nervous)

So there will be another vote in Ireland on the Treaty of Lisbon. “Oh no” was my first reaction. Then the first person who heard my reaction asked me “so what else should they do?” That is a question I cannot answer, and indeed I don’t think that Libertas has […]