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EU Politics, UK Politics

The David Miliband inauguration speech

I sat listening to Obama’s inauguration speech thinking: oh for a European politician capable of something similar! Of course the systems and characters are very different… But Britain, one way or another, is going to get a new Prime Minister sometime in the not too distant future. So I took […]

EU Politics

Introducing the Czech Presidency Gaffe-o-Meter

The dreadful errors made by the Czech Presidency of the European Union go on and on… They don’t know who’s who in the Kremlin, they think Israel is defensive, and now they’ve caused all kinds of fuss by hanging art in the Justus Lipsius building in Brussels that depicts national […]

EU Politics

The Dutch obsession with national parliaments

Adriaan Schout and Jeroen van Dijken wrote a column last week in Dutch daily de Volkskrant entitled EU kan goed zonder Europees Parlement – essentially that the EU could do OK without the European Parliament. I picked up on the story via euro|topics. The whole line of the column, as […]

EU Politics, UK Politics

If there’s a problem call Tony

So here we go again. The EU has a multitude of problems on its hands: Russia turning off the gas, the Gaza conflict brewing, and no-one really knowing what to do about the economic downturn, least of all the Commission. The Czech Presidency has already made a few gaffes, and […]

UK Politics

Get rid of the idiot and the institution

In response to the Harry is racist scandal David Cameron said this: I think it’s important that in the great institutions… we root out attitudes like that. That has to go right across the institutions. I’m not sure whether Cameron reckons the army or the royal family is the great […]