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EU Politics

The contradictions of Kosovo

In the 6 years since I was last in Pristina, Kosovo, everything has changed yet nothing has changed. In 2003 it was a UN Protectorate, now it’s an ‘independent’ country. Then it was emerging from a post-conflict situation, now it’s generally stable. Before everything felt temporary, now the investments feel […]


The Liège baggage truck incident

I was due to fly today from Liège to Pristina with BelleAir, and Italian cheap airline. Why is such a company flying from Liège to Pristina I asked myself? And will it work? Well the answer to that is that it doesn’t. I’m writing this from Brussels as the flight […]


La Maison Cauchie, charming on a Sunday afternoon in Brussels

I’m just home after having spent a pleasant hour at La Maison Cauchie, a preserved Art Nouveau house near Parc Cinquentenaire in Brussels (5 rue des Francs, south side of the park). The house is one of only four that the artist Paul Cauchie built and it dates from 1905. […]


2 interesting NGO web tasks – your ideas please!

In Brussels Bente Kalsnes ( and I have been brainstorming projects for a campaign for a nordic NGO. We have some fun ideas, we have some funding, we have very little time, and we need help! We have 2 specific programming tasks that need to be completed by 6th March […]


Mobile comms confusion (3G internet, calls, SMS)

I seem to be in a state of perpetual confusion when it comes to my telephone and mobile communications – something has to be changed. But I don’t know what… So if anyone can help me with this I would be very grateful! (1) Landline This is about the only […]