Chuka 4 Streatham screenshot

I’m happy to announce the launch of a new website for a Labour candidate today – Chuka Umunna’s site Chuka 4 Streatham. This is the second website project I’ve launched with him after TMP Online that has grown strongly in the last year. I’ve known Chuka since 2002 and I’m sure he would be an excellent candidate to follow Keith Hill in the constituency. I’m not sure if I can help out on the ground, but I’ll be doing all I can to back him online and make the site a useful source of information for local party members.


  1. Our main concern (at the moment) is whether Streatham is really ready for yet another ‘Great Thinker’ ; especially at this particular time.

    What Streatham ultimately needs right now is an ‘Action Man’ who can urgently restore it to it’s Former (Socio-Economic) Glory.

    The other Streatham Candidate (Rahoul Bhansali) may (indeed) not necessarily be as flashy as Chuka Umunna ; but at least Rahoul does seem to be quite satisfied with the notion of comprehensively concentrating on Streatham’s Fundamental Needs – rather than simply using Downtrodden Streathamites as a Formidable Launchpad for Higher Political Office (elsewhere).

  2. As long as he answers emails — which Keith Hill has notably failed to do on every one of the three occasions on which I have contacted him (politely!) — then he will be an improvement.


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