

Avanti Europe – a European version of or Avaaz?

A bunch of committed Europeans – Green MEPs Franziska Brantner and Sven Giegold, and Thomas Houdaille, Charlotte Keup, Virginia Mucchi and Spyros Michailidis – have launched a new website called Avanti Europe. It essentially looks like some sort of European version of Avaaz, 38 Degrees or only, unlike those sites, […]


Photos on Twitter: welcome to confusion

I was a dedicated Instagram user. The app was swift to use, had no advertising, and it was convenient to share pictures from the service to both Facebook and Twitter. There were a whole bunch of complaints when Instagram stopped using the Twitter Cards system for displaying previews of images […]


United States politics: so right and so wrong

The political geek in me is always so impressed by elections in the United States. Look no further than the combination of marketing and psychological insight used in voter targeting, the glitz of the speeches and roadshows, or the graphic design and imagery of the campaign websites. But beyond that […]


Celebrity and Twitter

What is Twitter? Is it a network between (for want of a better word) ‘ordinary’ people like me? Or is it a spotlight into the lives of the rich and famous, with Twitter the means for these people to transmit their messages? If you read mainstream media coverage of the […]