

The design of a politician’s Twitter profile

Danish Minister for Development Cooperation Christian Friis Bach has been coming in for some heavy criticism today on Twitter (his account is here) for his statements about Danish aid to Egypt. As a result I looked at his Twitter profile for the first time for some months and it’s quite […]


Twitter service / placeholder accounts

Following a few gripes about whether some of the accounts I’ve registered on Twitter in the past break Twitter’s Rules, here is a response. First of all, what accounts do I own that fall into this category? 20 accounts for Ministries of the Danish Government @BskfM_dk @EVM_dk @FinansM_dk @FIVU_dk @FMN_dk […]


Only the law can properly decide Twitter abuse cases

So here we go again. In response to abuse and threats directed at Caroline Criado-Perez it’s people like @bmitchellwrites saying it’s “Time for Twitter to stand up for women abused online”. Some of his words: It’s about time big organisations acknowledged their responsibility and yes, a duty of care, to […]


This brave Neuland

I started writing this on my own laptop at Gatwick Airport, and finished it using the wifi on a Norwegian flight. I booked the ticket myself, online. I sorted out the boarding pass myself, using data I had saved myself in iCal. I bought the train ticket to the airport […]