

The cheapest way to get an iPhone 4S in the UK

What’s the cheapest way to get an iPhone 4S legitimately in the UK? That’s the conundrum that’s been confronting me for the past few days. I’ve been on a £30/month contract with O2 for my old iPhone 3G, but I’m sure I can do better. I’m a medium data user […]


Fix My Street – anywhere!

At tech conferences I regularly hear references to Fix My Street (UK) or SeeClickFix (USA). Essentially these are sites that allow you to very easily submit reports of small, everyday urban problems (potholes, broken street lights, dumped rubbish etc.) But there are loads of equivalents across the globe. Here’s a […]


How to follow a breaking news event on social media

For good or bad we’ve had a glut of gripping stories this summer, those sit-glued-to-the-TV moments where everyone wants to know what’s going on. For me the Oslo / Utøya attacks, the London riots, and the rebel advance on Tripoli have been three such events. Only now there is a […]