
EU Politics, Technology

3 years of

Today marks 3 years of our little blogging project – It started as a conversation between Stefan, Andreas and I, and all the coding work was done by Stefan. The inspiration for it came from this blog post I wrote, and I still own the domain name. Beyond that […]


Trespassing on the turf of the mainstream media

I’ve had the good luck to happen to be in Copenhagen today and hence to be able to attend “What Professional Journalism Means for Democracy”, run by Berlingske Media – the mainstream media group behind broadsheet Berlingske and tabloid B.T. A few of the people here – Astrid Haug and […]


The cheapest way to get an iPhone 4S in the UK

What’s the cheapest way to get an iPhone 4S legitimately in the UK? That’s the conundrum that’s been confronting me for the past few days. I’ve been on a £30/month contract with O2 for my old iPhone 3G, but I’m sure I can do better. I’m a medium data user […]


Fix My Street – anywhere!

At tech conferences I regularly hear references to Fix My Street (UK) or SeeClickFix (USA). Essentially these are sites that allow you to very easily submit reports of small, everyday urban problems (potholes, broken street lights, dumped rubbish etc.) But there are loads of equivalents across the globe. Here’s a […]