EU Politics

Ulrike Guérot
EU Politics

A new Germany-EU discourse

I heard a short speech in Berlin yesterday evening by Ulrike Guérot from the European Council on Foreign Relations at an event organised by Europa Union. The essential gist of her presentation was that, now, 20 years on since the fall of the Berlin Wall (and indeed that’s half as […]

EU Politics

Barroso bullshit bingo

At Bloggingportal we came up with the idea of having a laugh at the expense of our esteemed President, Jose Manuel Barroso with his “State of the European Union” speech by playing bullshit bingo. The entire speech is now available here, and the Wordle for it looks like this: Barroso […]

EU Politics, Technology

Oh, so Citzalia is all my fault

Aahmed ElAmin, one of the developers of Citzalia (whose words were followed hook, line and sinker by The Guardian) has penned his own side of the story at a website entitled The Royal Gazette. Odd location, and his approach to the whole thing is even odder. You can read the […]

Janusz Lewandowski - CC / Flickr
EU Politics

Why EU taxation is actually a good idea

Budget Commissioner, Janusz Lewandowski, has said he will present some options next month for how direct EU taxes could work. The story is covered by the BBC. Cue a load of instant complains, howls of derision etc., particularly from Brits. Wait a moment. Think of what the EU does and […]

EU Politics

Campaigning for a PES primary

What should the Party of European Socialists do in 2014 to avoid a repeat of 2009’s disastrous European Parliament election results, and the mess over the dithering prior to 2009 that resulted in the PES not selecting a candidate to be Commission President? While Martin Schulz and the Socialist Group […]

EU Politics, Technology

Handling a comms mess – Citzalia

My previous post about Citzalia has been creating waves in the small pond of EU debate throughout the day. The blog entry was first linked from Tim Worstall, then appeared in the Open Europe press review, and has then subsequently been linked by England Expects,, The Endless Track and […]

EP Elections - CC / Flickr
EU Politics, UK Politics

Gender and Labour’s MEPs

I’m in Sweden at the moment, one of the most gender-conscious countries in the world, and motivated by this I’ve been thinking about the impact of election systems on gender representation, inspired in part by this from Talking about the EU. The general rule is that list-based election systems tend […]