I keep an eye on the combined Blogactiv RSS feed and, aside from the posts about EU chemicals legislation (yawn) there are sometimes a few gems, like today’s downright strange post by a new blogger called ‘Ukridge’ about Hungarian Social Democrat MEP Alexandra Dobolyi. Among other things the piece claims she has been faking her CV and coming up with ever more ludicrous stories about why this has been so, and the post also shows her in a seductive pose with a load of vacuum cleaner hoses. It strikes me that it’s all to surreal to be true. Can all this really be accurate?


  1. Erm, sorry, don’t get me wrong – I’m enough of an EU geek to be interested in chemicals legislation too. But it’s not necessarily what I want to read on blogs about EU affairs…

  2. Careful, Jon. Some of us can get quite excited by the prospect of talking about EU chemicals policy. My colleagues and clients can attest to my ability to get passionate about the provisions of REACH.

    However, not sure if it is better to be excited by REACH or Hungarian women with vacuum cleaners. Jury is out.

  3. Thanks for the clarification – I’m glad there was a (half) sensible reason for the picture, but the CV stuff is more alarming – why did the Social Democrats not force her to resign for such behaviour?

  4. Hettie

    The story about the “interesting details” of Dobolyi’s cv broke last June. Ukridge got it from a well respected weekly political magazine HVG

    The picture was part of a campaign run by a women’s equality charity/ngo/foundation to celebrate the European Year of Equal Opportunities. Successful Hungarian women were shown doing household chores in an out of context/sexy way. I had a look at Dobolyi’s cv and it’s been changed to reflect the reality.

  5. Waldo Vanderhaeghen

    Quite funny, probably an old boyfriend or something (how else could he get the picture). But it might be true she claimed “Dr.”, just search on google. If you look on google you also find that she started a doctorate, however, not that she ended it.

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