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ICE Train - CC / Flickr
EU Politics

Rail payback

I’ve had a nightmare winter on the rails of Europe – stranded 3 days thanks to Eurostar (and missing a friend’s wedding as a result), delays with SNCF, and mess with a journey to Germany. Yet today, back home in Brussels, everything looks just a little better. Almost 2 months […]

Friskis & Svettis Sveavägen - J. Worth - CC-Sharealike

Adjusting my views of Stockholm

Forköpsremsor. The patter of winter tires on worn tarmac. Blåbuss 3 mot Karolinska sjukhuset. The absence of overweight people. Påfyllning. Drunken happy people on the Tunnelbana. People that say hello to you when you go to the till at a shop. Showers that allow you to set the exact temperature […]


Facebook isn’t working

It’s a simple question: do people read Facebook messages and signup for events in the way they used to? The last fortnight has – in my personal case – given me a resounding answer: no. I’ve tried to organise 2 personal events via Facebook – 16 friends in Oslo invited […]


Online donation patterns

I’m at the Advocacy Online session at the eCampaigning Forum where I’ve just listened to a presentation from FullCitizen about online fundraising strategies [more here]. They rather swiftly dismissed the fundraising power of Youtube, Facebook and Twitter in one of their slides – there’s little or no conversion into fundraising […]

Chaussée de Charleroi - light stuck on yellow - Jon Worth, CC
EU Politics

Fix My State

Traffic light stuck on amber. For 6 20 days solid*. And no-one has done a thing. A STIB tram passes this light every 10 minutes – it’s at the southern end of Chaussée de Charleroi. At least one police vehicle will have passed it each day. At least one person […]

EU Journalists - CC / Flickr
EU Politics

No pay, no ads – explaining my blogging approach

An interesting debate has broken out in Brussels this week over the declining number of accredited journalists that follow the work of the EU institutions. Charlemagne and Leigh Phillips have differing approaches to the issue, and Julien has a visceral blogging take on these matters. Today on Twitter the debate […]