Recent Posts


A couple of nordic governmental WP examples

Following on from Simon’s post about the Australian government using WordPress for a blogging platform, here are a couple more examples: @jonworth Also, have a look at our blog portal, built in WordPress 3.0: — Utrikesdepartementet (@Utrikesdep) November 9, 2010 @jonworth @Utrikesdep Here are the Norwegian Foreign Ministry blogs […]


What’s the point of a blogroll?

Now I’m back living in the UK there’s going to be more UK politics posts on this blog. Hell, it’s not as if I’ve ever really left, politically… But in terms of blogging it seems I’ve completely dropped off the radar, at least if blogrolls are anything to go by. […]

UK Politics

The bullshit bus? New routemaster unveiled

BBC London lunchtime news had a gleeful report of the unveiling of the new prototype Routemaster bus today, the latest stage in the New Routemaster saga I’ve blogged about here and here. This is a screenshot from the TV report: There are five interesting things from the report.

Technology, UK Politics

Connected Kingdom – internet firms in the UK

Some friends at Google have pointed me towards Connected Kingdom, a website about the state of the UK’s internet firms that showcases a report by BCG that highlights the importance of the UK’s internet economy. There are also some fledgling discussions about how things could improve in future, but it’s […]

EU Politics, Technology

The Citzalia plot deepens

It seems my earlier blog posts (1, 2, 3) about Citzalia, the virtual European Parliament game costing €275000, managed to put some thoughts into UKIP’s head, and specifically led to some questions to the EP’s administration asked by Godfrey Bloom MEP as reported by Gawain at England Expects. The official […]


New blog design – a work in progress

As you can see I’ve had a bit of a clean up around here… The blog design is now much whiter and simpler, with a clearer emphasis on the content of the blog posts. Because I needed a swift solution I’ve based the design on the excellent Wu Wei theme […]