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EU Politics

Solidarity among Europeans. But Brits are different.

“Europeans show strong sense of solidarity” – it seemed a counter-intuitive headline (in a tweet from @svaroschi) in these times of social strife. The story was Deutsche Welle’s coverage of some new research conducted by the Open Society Foundations. The summary of the research is here (although that makes no specific […]

UK Politics

So Cameron starts a charm offensive across the EU

Realising his speech in January did not go down too well in EU capitals, David Cameron is this week embarking on a charm offensive across Europe. He’s visiting Madrid, Paris and Berlin, among others, basically trying to sell to others his call for repatriation of powers, oops, no, sorry, that […]

EU Politics

So why am I at OECD’s Global Forum on Development?

It’s not quite my normal topic – development aid – but here I am in Paris, sat blogging about the OECD’s Global Forum on Development. Why? Well, in short because I was asked. Linda Warnier who works on online communications for OECD is someone I’ve worked with in the past […]


Avanti Europe – a European version of or Avaaz?

A bunch of committed Europeans – Green MEPs Franziska Brantner and Sven Giegold, and Thomas Houdaille, Charlotte Keup, Virginia Mucchi and Spyros Michailidis – have launched a new website called Avanti Europe. It essentially looks like some sort of European version of Avaaz, 38 Degrees or only, unlike those sites, […]

EU Politics

Elmar Brok: Ukraine is not your brothel

(nudity in the video – not for watching on your office computer) Elmar Brok is a portly German CDU MEP, and a well known character in Brussels. This video of him being accosted by a FEMEN activist poses more questions than it gives answers. I also wonder who the woman […]