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Traffic Light Berlin
UK Politics

Redwood: the EU traffic light lesson!

It must be a quiet news day in the UK as the new traffic policy ideas from the Conservative Party have hit the press, piloted by none other than that die-hard eurosceptic John Redwood. The bold idea is that drivers should be allowed to turn left at a junction even […]

White Cliffs of Dover
UK Politics

The ‘over there’ mentality

It was pointed out to me recently by Helena that for most Europeans, travelling from their home country to another did not strictly entail them going overseas and hence I ought to watch my vocabulary when talking about international travel. I was quite disgusted with myself when I reflected on […]

Adieu EPP
EU Politics

Adieu EPP

It was one of David Cameron’s major pledges: to take the Conservative MEPs out of the European People’s Party – European Democrats (EPP-ED) group in the European Parliament. I wrote about this back in December 2005 [post is here]. But as you see from the amount of time that has […]

Zen Garden

My 1st June Resolution

As I alluded to here a while back, I am suffering quite a lack of motivation to do website work at the moment. I have all the responsibilities for the Europäische Bewegung Server but seem to have lost track of the reasons why I am actually doing that work any […]

Finnish Presidency Logo
EU Politics

The Finns’ sober logo: suits the EU’s mood?

The Finns take over the EU’s rotating Presidency in one month, and now they have the logo and website of the Presidency up and running. While the logo will not draw the ridicule that the UK’s flying swans attracted, I think it looks a bit drab. OK, it’s smart and […]

EU Politics

Lamassoure: get a grip

OK, here’s an idea. EU needs money. EU can raise money using a tax. Why not tax something that so far has not been taxed? eCommunications! This is the solution to the EU’s budgetary future as proposed by Alain Lamassoure, MEP from Chirac’s UMP Party. Read the story about it […]

U8 Rosenthaler Platz
German Politics

Too young for Berlin

I’ve always had regrets about the months between October 2001 and March 2002 I spent in Berlin. First and foremost is that I did not manage to stay there longer. Second, that I really did not make close to the most of the – admittedly meagre – job opportunities I […]

EU Politics

So I won’t be a Commission official

The results of the concours for administrators are now out, and – surprise, surprise – I did not manage to pass. Here’s the extract of the letter: The selection board for the above competition has now finished marking the pre-selection tests in which you participated. I regret to inform you […]


You wanna… blog DJ!

OK, I’ve done some damned cool things with technology in the past, but this evening must more or less beat it. I am currently sat at a table in a hall in Ocquier, a village in rural Wallonia, somewhere south of Namur. I’m here DJing for Kat and Charles’s wedding, […]

Responsibility anonymous

Reponsibility anonymous

It’s 2225 on Wednesday 17 May. I am sat, as I am so many evenings, at my computer in my room at 32A Aristotle Road. The blind is open, and the drops from the evening’s rain are still strewn across the window panes. In that pane I see my reflection. […]

PES Activists
EU Politics

Transnational party political pioneers? Maybe

OK, it’s up and running: PES Activists. The idea is that members of political parties that belong to the Party of European Socialists sign up there, give a small donation, and access a range of online services. It’s a good idea, and it looks very pleasant – clearly they paid […]