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EU Politics

The Sego-Merkel-Brown axis?

I’ve just tried to wake my mind up a bit this Sunday morning by reading this article in The Observer about Ségolène Royal (Wikipedia about her). The picture that emerges from the article is a strange one, an image of a politician who is sharp and competent, but has not […]

Lock and Key
UK Politics

Labour: please, please show some compassion

I’m lost for words. John Reid yesterday announced his new plans for the criminal justice system. 8000 more prison places. Less chances of early release. It makes dire, dire reading. The Guardian’s article about it is here. I uttely loathe the Government’s let’s pander to the interests of the Daily […]

EPP star leaving
UK Politics

Cameron: EPP decision in 2009

Quick note about Cameron, as the decision on the future of the Conservative MEPs in the EPP-ED group in the European Parliament has now been taken. The aim will be to establish a new eurosceptic group after the EP elections in 2009. Looks like the decision has been kicked into […]

Robert Fico
EU Politics

What price for power? SMER in Slovakia

Sometimes you have just been out of power too long, and you simply must have it back. That seems to be what has happened in Slovakia where the left-ish SMER party of new Prime Minister Robert Fico has formed a coalition with the right-wing nationalist Slovak Nationalist Party (SNS), and […]


1-year anniversary for the Euroblog

It has been a short 12 months blogging. Thinking back, I started all of this off on (as far as I can tell) 7th July 2005 with a casual shrug of the shoulders, with little keen-ness and determination. Helena had suggested I start the blog. I suppose I wanted to […]

Night Bus

Good service to a drunk man, and hen parties

Two strange experiences this morning – one good, one bad. I was waiting for the N35 night bus from Beford Road to Liverpool Street station. The bus stop was quiet at 03:45, but then a drunk man swayed his way towards me. Oh no, what now? But I need not […]

Woman with Hijab
UK Politics

Britain, Muslims and Palestine: what’s going on?

My attention was drawn to the story entitled Poll shows Muslims in Britain are the most anti-western in Europe in The Guardian a few days ago by my mother who sent the article to me, asking me what I thought. Essentially, the poll shows that while non-Muslims in the UK […]

Sand Castle

Winding down for the summer

I haven’t written much here over the last week for a number of reasons. Firstly, I spent 4 days in Sweden for Midsommar, sitting in the sunshine eating färsk potatis and jordgubbar. Secondly, I’ve been working away from London quite a bit and have not mustered up much energy (or, […]

UK Politics

Blair force one – not a bad idea

If you were a head of state or Prime Minister, wouldn’t you want your own plane? Or perhaps the question should be how does the UK government not already have a dedicated plane for state business. Yet the decision this week to purchase 2 planes for use by the Prime […]

EU Politics

Cold Turkey? No, but cooler tempers would help

Yesterday evening the Young Fabians organised an event at the Turkish Embassy entitled “Cold Turkey? Is the EU dream dead?” – details of the event here. More than 60 people came along to the immensely grand residence of the Turkish ambassador to London, and heard him give an introduction defending […]

Blair 1997
UK Politics

Am I a loony-leftie?

I am very tired of the labels used in the Labour Party to categorise people. You are either supposed to be a Blairite or Brownite, a reformer or a loony leftie etc. Further, these labels tend to be assigned by association rather than through any logic or sensible rationale. A […]

Eddie Izzard
EU Politics

Good old Eddie – explaining the EU

There is one Brit who seems capable of explaining the EU in an amusing and pleasant way – Eddie Izzard. He went to the last European Council meeting with Blair, and has recorded a Podcast about it – hear it here (pic to the right is from He’s also […]