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Mushroom in kitchen

Growing mushrooms

You never know what you are going to get when you move into a new flat. But mushrooms growing on the kitchen floor is not something I was expecting when I moved to my new place in Walworth. The mushroom pictured – about 3cm high – is actually under the […]

Grey Sky

Blogging back in the real world

After a quick cup of coffee to warm myself up, I headed back out of the plush surroundings of Claridge’s hotel and cycled back across London under the heavy autumn skies. I’m back in reality now. I have a few very complex questions flying around in my head: why was […]

Peter Mandelson
UK Politics

Peter Mandelson, forever the dashing Price of Darkness

I’ve just returned from an evening at the LSE debate entitled ‘The Global Age: Europe, India, China‘ – more here. The debate was all good stuff – Anthony Giddens and Will Hutton talking of the value of European integration, and how Europe’s problems were not thanks to globalisation. Yet apart […]

Straw Niqab
UK Politics

Jack Straw in a veil

Leader of the House Jack Straw has waded into Britain’s debate about multi-culturalism over the last couple of days, stating that he asks Muslim women wearing a veil to remove it when he meets them at surgeries in his Blackburn constituency. Straw’s words – both in written form yesterday, and […]

Gaggia Classic

Getting all domestic

I’m now the wrong side of 25, have moved into a new flat to live with my girlfriend, and we have settled into a very domestic kind of life. The highlight of the week has been… the arrival of a new espresso machine (Gaggia Classic) courtesy of Helena’s parents. Once […]

EU Politics

Sights and smells of London

It is a bright, clear Autumn morning in London. A scattering of brown autumn leaves covered the pathway outside my flat and the air really felt cool when cycling for the first time since spring. Yet the sun over Walworth’s 1960s council estates made the place feel a bit less […]

EU Politics

Josep Borrell is a prat

President of the European Parliament Josep Borrell, when talking about the Strasbourg seat of the European Parliament, last week stated that the “historic dimension [of Strasbourg] cannot be perceived in the same way in ‘some Nordic country’ which did not participate in WWII” (news story from EUObserver here). What a […]

UK Politics

Mixed messages from the Tories

What is going on at Tory party conference? I can understand the electoral appeal of trying to move a party to the middle ground, but the Tories seem to be trying to be greener than Labour, all nice and cuddly, and tough and hard nosed too – see David Davis’s […]