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PES Activists
EU Politics

PES – showing signs of European party cohesion

The Party of European Socialists voted yesterday to suspend its Slovak member party SMER due to their decision to enter a coalition with right wing and populist parties, a matter that I have previously written about here. News on the story from EUObserver and the PES Press Release give more […]

Greenpeace Campaign
EU Politics

Fab Greenpeace campaign for a Greener Apple

Greenpeace have launched a fab campaign to make Apple Computer go green – have a look at the brilliant campaign website. You can send Steve Jobs an e-mail, and they want people to make their own T-Shirts for the campaign and all kinds of cool stuff. So they will get […]

Mushroom in kitchen

Growing mushrooms

You never know what you are going to get when you move into a new flat. But mushrooms growing on the kitchen floor is not something I was expecting when I moved to my new place in Walworth. The mushroom pictured – about 3cm high – is actually under the […]

Grey Sky

Blogging back in the real world

After a quick cup of coffee to warm myself up, I headed back out of the plush surroundings of Claridge’s hotel and cycled back across London under the heavy autumn skies. I’m back in reality now. I have a few very complex questions flying around in my head: why was […]

Peter Mandelson
UK Politics

Peter Mandelson, forever the dashing Price of Darkness

I’ve just returned from an evening at the LSE debate entitled ‘The Global Age: Europe, India, China‘ – more here. The debate was all good stuff – Anthony Giddens and Will Hutton talking of the value of European integration, and how Europe’s problems were not thanks to globalisation. Yet apart […]

Straw Niqab
UK Politics

Jack Straw in a veil

Leader of the House Jack Straw has waded into Britain’s debate about multi-culturalism over the last couple of days, stating that he asks Muslim women wearing a veil to remove it when he meets them at surgeries in his Blackburn constituency. Straw’s words – both in written form yesterday, and […]

Gaggia Classic

Getting all domestic

I’m now the wrong side of 25, have moved into a new flat to live with my girlfriend, and we have settled into a very domestic kind of life. The highlight of the week has been… the arrival of a new espresso machine (Gaggia Classic) courtesy of Helena’s parents. Once […]