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Rasmussen animation
EU Politics

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, leader of the PES

Poul was re-elected as leader of the PES in Porto. This has allowed him to make plenty of speeches on the podium. It’s the first time I have seen Rasmussen perform in the flesh, and he’s actually quite impressive. He comes across as honest, as expressive, and almost emotional in […]

EU Politics

Royal in Porto: the anglophone press doesn’t care

A quick check of Google News this morning maybe explains why Ségolène Royal’s speech yesterday was 100% in French. Searching Google News – French Version – for ‘Ségolène Royal’ gives more than 20 articles about her speech in Porto, with titles such as ‘Ségolène Royal ovationnée au Portugal’ – do […]

Poland © European Commission Audiovisual Library
EU Politics

Party politics: what’s going on in Poland?

The Polish government has been roundly criticised for its stance on a number of EU issues recently – the veto of the EU-Russia Treaty for example. I had perhaps naively assumed that the problems stemmed largely from the positions of the Law & Justice Party that is currently predominant in […]

Rainy Porto Morning
EU Politics

I wish it wouldn’t rain down

It’s 9.30 on the first day of the congress. Only I’m not there yet. I’m sat in cafe beside the River Douro, escaping the driving rain. However the cafe has a whole Phil Collins CD playing, and the track that’s just been playing was “I Wish It Would Rain Down” […]

Phone and Laptop

Blogging: real citizen journalism

Part of my task as a blogger at the PES Congress is to demystify what is going on there for those that are unable to be present on the spot. Yet it’s also worth spending a moment to demystify the very process of writing the blog and keeping it up […]

EU Politics

John Reid, Monty Python, and the European Constitution

“The constitutional treaty is no more – it is a diseased dead parrot.” So said Home Secretary John Reid after the 4th December JHA Council in Brussels (article from EUObserver). Now, I’m not the greatest fan on John Reid – I think his views on law and order are repulsive, […]

Pär Nuder
EU Politics

Delving into Pär Nuder’s visions of political leadership

I went along to a round table discussion this evening, organised by Policy Network and CER. Former Swedish Finance Minister Pär Nuder and UK Minister for the Third Sector Ed Miliband were speaking. The debate was interesting enough, but more importantly it started me thinking about Pär Nuder’s political ideology […]

PES Activists
EU Politics

Blogging the PES Congress in Porto

I have the great privilege of having been chosen as one of the PES Activists to write a blog on the Party of European Socialists Website about the PES Congress taking place 7-8 December in Porto. The blog can be found here. However the functionality of the system there is […]

UK Politics

OUSU dumbing down

I happened to be looking for something related to my time at Oxford and wondered how Oxford University Student Union is getting on. I used to serve on the Exec there, and also was the OUSU Webmanager for a year or so. I was shocked to discover that one of […]