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European Story
EU Politics

Europe’s Story (yes, I’m a bit late)

I’ve been a bit slow on the EU blogging front recently – it’s been hard to remove myself from the mire of HTML and website work. But this morning – via Nosemonkey – I have come across this essay by Timothy Garton Ash about the 6 themes Europe needs to […]

Sunday AM Screenshot

Harriet’s blog on Sunday AM

Andrew Marr’s Sunday AM programme on BBC1 this morning had a feature on political blogging, and the 20 seconds or so about a Labour blogger was none other than Harriet Harman. The header of her blog that I designed managed to get a quick view on national television. Quite cool! […]

Severe Weather Walworth
UK Politics

Severe weather? No way

We were promised the heaviest snowfalls for years. The Met Office issued a severe weather warning. Colleagues in work were discussing yesterday how they are going to get to the office today. So what did we get? A bit of slushy snow – nothing much at all! As I write […]

UK Politics

Grave safety fears

Have a look at the notice pictured above (click image to view it at full size). This pictures are from Danygraig cemetery in Risca. This is Caerphilly unitary authority’s approach to dealing with the issue of church headstones falling over – you can read their press statement here. Every gravestone […]

Bank Counter

Daily frustrations: the bank

OK, so this might be a bit of a petty blog entry, but I want to have a rant about that most simple of everyday tasks: going to the bank. I do most of my banking online so manage to avoid bank branches whenever I can, but Friday was an […]

Hole in Road
UK Politics

Repair the potholes

Have no fear. I’ve not turned into a ranting car driver, complaining that the bumps in the road spoil my journey. It’s more serious than that. I’ve come close to being thrown off my bike in recent weeks thanks to inadvertently hitting potholes. The damaged road surface pictured – on […]

EU Politics

So we have no time for the time issue

There’s been yet another effort to change Britain’s time zone – i.e. putting the UK on Central European Time. This effort has been tabled as a Private Member’s Bill in the House of Commons by Tory MP Tim Yeo, although he calls the new timezone SDST (see Yeo’s ePolitix blog). […]


Blog costs and party politics

Iain Dale has been complaining about how much government blogs cost to run – see his breakdown of the costs of David Miliband’s blog [link to the blog], and complaint about the DWP Welfare Reform and Child Poverty blog [link to the blog]. The costs of both blogs are in […]

Compass Deputy Banner
UK Politics

Deputy Leader – what are Compass playing at?

Pressure group in the Labour Party – Compass – has today announced that it is polling all its members about which candidate for the Labour Party deputy leadership the organisation should support. While this strikes me as a bit odd in itself (it’s a poll about a candidate for a […]