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EU Politics

Roof falls in on the European Parliament

When it comes to the Strasbourg seat of the European Parliament it’s silly season all year round (not just in August). This time it’s news that 80m2 of the roof inside the plenary chamber of the Strasbourg building has fallen in – although no-one was inside at the time. Have […]

EU Politics

The meaning of NATO, and revising my position on Georgia

On the northern side of the dual carriageway leading from Brussels towards Zaventem Airport there’s an enormous no-mans land. A billboard resplendent with an artist’s impression dotted with light, glass and smiling people announces this is to be the site of the new NATO Headquarters, due to be opening in […]


UPS = Utterly Pathetically Stupid

I’m awaiting the delivery of a package from the courier firm UPS and it’s such a damned effort to manage to get it. It seems that even international corporations are infected by the Belgian lack of customer service (that I’ve recently enjoyed). Just like everything in Belgium there are loads […]


Signed up for the Berlin Inline Skate Marathon

I’ve been skating on and off all summer and when skating marathon distance in Québec recently I thought to myself – why not? I’ll sign up for a competitive marathon on inline skates. So on 27th September I’ll be joining thousands of others skating 42km around the streets of Berlin. […]


Twenty20 for 2012 – cricket as an Olympic sport

As the Olympics get underway in Beijing today I’m happy to announce the launch of my latest website project – the campaign to get Twenty20 Cricket to be an Olympic sport at the London Olympics in 2012. I’ve been asked to work on the campaign by Murad Qureshi, a member […]

EU Politics

Belgian customer ‘service’

I’ve been going back and forth between the UK and Belgium for the last 10 months, and due to a change in circumstances I’m finally getting all the bureaucracy in order so as to stay in Belgium on a more permanent basis. First of all the flat. Sign the papers […]

EU Politics

Loving web 2.0 (or maybe not)

If putting up your relationship status on Facebook is a bit much for you, then how about making a marriage proposal via Google Street View? This must be the most unusual thing I’ve seen on the website entitled Google Sightseeing (an amusing site for wasting time online) that lists oddities […]

EU Politics

Ireland’s silver lining – Jason O’Mahony

So the old saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining. So too it seems does the rather large cloud hanging over the EU as a result of the Irish No vote on the Treaty of Lisbon; the silver lining in this case is an Irish writer called Jason O’Mahony. […]

EU Politics

Gove’s choice of statistics

I always get worried when British politicians cite Sweden in their analysis of anything. It’s excellent to look to a country that’s a model of Social Democracy as an example, but the lessons learnt are often wide of the mark. It was Michael Gove that twisted Sweden’s ‘state schools run […]

EU Politics

Complete incompetence from Thomas Cook airlines

This is the view at 0725 EDT at Ottawa International Airport. The plane pictured is the Thomas Cook Airlines Boeing 757 I was supposed to be flying on from Montréal Trudeau to London Gatwick at 1800 yesterday but almost 14 hours on we’re still not moving. OK, things go wrong […]