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EU Politics

Anti-Barroso forces becoming more vocal

It’s pleasing to see that there are finally some high level politicians voicing their critique of José Manuel Barroso with the determination that he should not get a second term of office as President of the European Commission. Anyone But Barroso lives! First of all the European Greens at their […]

EU Politics

Introducing the very real Kafka Metro in Brussels

The Onion has done an ace spoof on modern airports – Prague’s Franz Kafka Airport. For anyone that has had the misfortune to pass through Terminal 3 at London Heathrow some of this is just a little too close to the truth… and it’s also very close to the truth […]

EU Politics, UK Politics

Does Topolánek have no shame?

Sorry to go on about the Czechs again, but they provide so much ammunition. Topolánek: your government has just fallen in the middle of the EU Presidency, the very same Presidency that has already stumbled from gaffe to gaffe, and then you make an all out attack on the President […]

EU Politics

Czech Republic: fail

So the inevitable has happened – the government has fallen in Czech Republic. 101 of the 200 deputies voted against Topolánek’s administration, as reported by PA. So what happens now? According to Czech left-ish daily Právo (part translated by euro|topics), basically nothing. 3 attempts to form a new administration have […]

EU Politics

What is a think tank?

EUObserver has an article today entitled “Think-tank blasts EU commissioners’ pensions package“. The ‘think tank’ in question is, of course, Open Europe, and the article quotes their press release on the Commissioner pay issue: Taxpayers around Europe, whose pensions have been swallowed up in the recession, will rightly question why […]

EU Politics

Are the Czechs heading for the worst Presidency ever?

Euractiv is today reporting that the Czech government might be on its last legs, with 2 rebel MPs threatening to bring down Mirek Topolánek’s administration. One of the rebels, Vlastimil Tlusty, said the government had made errors and it was time for it to quit. Not sure if he means […]


Atheist Bus – why did it work?

Here are some slides I have put together explaining why the atheist bus campaign worked. Feel free to use the slides and the lessons, providing you credit accordingly (CC / Attribution license). Atheist Bus Campaign View more presentations from jonworth.


How to really annoy a conference speaker – ThirdSector conference

I’ve just finished making a presentation at a conference in London entitled “Cost-Effective E-Communications, Social Networking & Blogging” organised by Haymarket (linked to ThirdSector magazine). All the speakers in the morning have been explaining in depth how it’s vital to be honest, fair and open when using social media. Well […]