In June and July 2007 parts of the UK were hit be severe floods. The EU has a Solidarity Fund to help its Member States deal with natural disasters, yet in the months after the floods wrangling continued about whether the UK would get any money from the fund, and when cash was allocated the Treasury kicked up a fuss as this would mean the UK’s budget rebate would be reduced. I wrote about the story initially, did a follow up, a further follow up, and there was even an implication for the financial crisis.
It’s now November 2009 and here we are again. Parts of the UK – especially Cumbria – have been hit by severe flooding. So what is going to happen this time? The UK government has pledged £1 million – barely enough to rebuild a single bridge – so some EU Solidarity Fund cash would be very helpful.
I’ve been in touch with Arlene McCarthy MEP via Twitter (@EuroMP_ArleneMc) and her reply was “Brian Simpson MEP and I are working together to try and secure additional EU funds for areas affected by floods” although that does not explicitly mention the Solidarity Fund, but I’m glad she’s on the case.
I’ll do my best to keep an eye on this one and find out whether the UK government is going to be fair, straightforward and decent on this issue this time and ask for the cash the flood hit regions for sure deserve from the EU.
Have you been following the latest dealings with regard to EU disaster relief for the latest flooding in 2014? No doubt watching developments with regard to the scandalous proposals put forward by the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and the Daily Mail newspaper to divert Britain’s overseas aid budget into domestic flood relief. Which has been rightly condemned as “disgraceful” by Lord Deben, the former Conservative environment minister known as John Gummer.