EU Politics

EU Politics

Who are the main players in the EU-twittersphere?

Edelman have cooked up a little tool called TweetLevel that gives a number that judges an individual’s influence on Twitter. 0 is the minimum score and 100 the maximum. Left Foot Forward has had a go at working out which Labour people have most influence on Twitter in the UK, […]

Opel Astra - CC / Flickr
EU Politics

Why Opel’s closure in Antwerp is good for Belgium

A friend from the Belgian SP.A said to me yesterday that she was going to a protest outside the Opel plant (that’s closing) in Antwerp this weekend, and did I want to join the protest in solidarity with the workers. No was my immediate answer – I’m glad it’s closing! […]

Plane at Berlin Tegel - CC / Flickr
EU Politics, UK Politics

The ideal airport

There has been masses of discussion in the last few days in the UK media about airport security in light of a failed attempt to blow up a transatlantic airliner. The UK and US have been jumping to come up with more technological solutions to the problems of airport security. […]

Screen shot of New Year Message -
EU Politics

Nicolas Sarkozy’s hair

Nicolas Sarkozy has released his message for 2010. Apart from the rather smug line that France has coped better with the economic crisis than other countries, one thing rather struck me: Sarko’s hair, which looks even more of a perfect dark brown buffon than normal. Remember that Sarko was born […]

Spotted recently at St Pancras - mockup on the basis of an original CC / Flickr image
EU Politics, UK Politics

Maybe Eurostar needed divine intervention?

In some weird transport / religion crossover an online magazine called Communicate Jesus has done a write-up on the Eurostar mess and has linked to my post about the issue. Seems they did not notice the Atheist Bus banner in my sidebar 🙂 Their article is entitled ‘Important lesson from […]