Tag: Facebook


How to follow a breaking news event on social media

For good or bad we’ve had a glut of gripping stories this summer, those sit-glued-to-the-TV moments where everyone wants to know what’s going on. For me the Oslo / Utøya attacks, the London riots, and the rebel advance on Tripoli have been three such events. Only now there is a […]


Why it’s not yet time to capitulate to Facebook

Joe Litobarski wrote a post earlier today entitled “Blogs are Dead… Long Live Facebook!” Like a lot of Joe’s stuff it’s a thoughtful case, but, ultimately – in my view – wrong. Far from becoming redundant, blogs are simply changing – blogging and the mainstream media are merging (more from […]


Twitter isn’t egalitarian. Tell me something new.

There’s a story on The Telegraph website today entitled Twitter ‘elite’ send most tweets. That’s not quite a fair representation of the story itself – the most important parts of the story are these: Fifty per cent of all tweets read and shared on Twitter are generated by only 20,000 ‘elite’ […]