Tag: Ed Miliband

EU Politics

Why Labour’s critique of migration within the EU must stop

While the columns in newspapers criticising Cameron’s referendum commitment continue to be written, I nevertheless have a nagging fear – that while Cameron’s strategy may be ill-advised, the main pro-EU party in the UK, Labour, has nothing really to say about the EU than to defend the status quo. This […]

UK Politics

Labour, Ed Miliband, Progress and promises

I was at the Progress Conference yesterday and heard the Ed Miliband speech that’s the centre piece of Andrew Rawnsley’s Observer column today. It was the best speech I’ve heard Ed give  and he responded in the Q&A session with determination and some humour. It’s clear that Ed believes deeply in […]

Barber - click to enlarge
UK Politics

Two speeches in Hyde Park – Brendan Barber vs. Ed Miliband

At the rally in Hyde Park yesterday after the March for the alternative, the first two speeches were given by Brendan Barber and Ed Miliband. I’ve used the text of the respective speeches (Barber’s here, Miliband’s here) to generate two Wordle clouds: Barber Miliband Quite an interesting contrast here, reflecting […]

UK Politics

Cutting VAT on fuel – sending the wrong signals

Ed Miliband and Ed Balls are announcing some preliminary Labour economic policies today, and one of the headlines is a reduction in VAT on petrol, from 20% back to the 17.5% level it was set at prior to January this year. The main argument is that as petrol prices rise […]