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EU Politics

The rise of the right in Denmark and Sweden

NOTE: if you’re arrived here thanks to the post about this programme, this is NOT a blog that is in ANY WAY associated with the programme. These are my own thoughts as a listener to the programme, no more. I don’t work for the BBC and have no association […]

UK Politics

Lorries and cycle safety

A friend has mailed me a link to the ‘See Me, Save Me’ campaign, run by the mother of a cyclist killed by a lorry turning. That campaign wants to pass a written declaration in the European Parliament, making it the position of the European Parliament that sensors and cameras […]

EU Politics

Ashton: you are the weakest link. Goodbye.

Foreign Ministers of EU countries are meeting today in Brussels, while at the same time protests against Hosni Mubarak in Egypt enter their 7th day. On his way to the Brussels meeting Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt tweeted this: [blackbirdpie url=”″] The right question to pose – but what prospect […]

UK Politics

London’s multitude of events means I go nowhere

In Brussels it’s reasonably easy. There I was (and indeed still am) the EU politics blogger nerd. So if there are events and conferences to attend I go to ones about EU politics on the web first and foremost. Then I will go to ones about institutional reform or centre […]

Technology, UK Politics

What’s the point of #NetrootsUK?

We’re half way through Netroots UK, and I am struggling with this event a bit. Here are a few tweets that raise some of the important questions: Very good question. RT @jvictor7: What's #netrootsuk all about?? — Dave Briggs (@davebriggs) January 8, 2011 Is #netrootsuk just a dress rehearsal for […]